Take Back the Night
Join us for the annual event Take Back the Night, aimed at ending sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse, and all other forms of sexual violence, and show our support for survivors of such violence. This event is all about empowering individuals with knowledge and a deeper understanding of the national and historical initiative of Take Back the Night. We will have experts from organizations that specialize in sexual violence resources and care at this event. They will be there to provide insights, answer questions, and help amplify a sense of community.
<p>Join us for <span>the</span> annual event <span>Take</span> <span>Back</span> <span>the</span> <span>Night</span>, aimed at ending sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse, and all o<span>the</span>r forms of sexual violence, and show our support for survivors of such violence. This event is all about empowering individuals with knowledge and a deeper understanding of <span>the</span> national and historical initiative of <span>Take</span> <span>Back</span> <span>the </span><span>Night</span>. We will have experts from organizations that specialize in sexual violence resources and care at this event. <span>The</span>y will be <span>the</span>re to provide insights, answer questions, and help amplify a sense of community.</p>
Description Office of Sexual&Interpersonal Wellness kvinciguerra@pace.edu America/New_York public