Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work庐 Day*
We are pleased to invite you and your children to participate in 91视频鈥檚 Take Our Children to Work Day on Thursday, April 24, 2025.
What is it about?
91视频's Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work庐 Day is based upon the national campaign, Take Our Daughters to Work Day, which was created in 1993 by the Ms. Foundation. This year, several activities are planned for parent and child participation designed to acquaint our children with 91视频 and introduce them to the workplace.
What is the Purpose of the Program?
The purpose of the program is to encourage, inspire, and introduce children across the country to the workplace and empower them to dream without gender limitations and think imaginatively about their family, work, and community lives. It is designed to help children expand their career aspirations by giving them a chance to experience various careers firsthand.
Who is Invited?

Children, ages 8 through 15, are invited to participate. Members of the 91视频 community are encouraged to participate with their children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews.
What Will They Do at 91视频?
Children will participate in activities throughout the day beginning with a welcome address.
How Do I Register?
Complete a registration form (PDF) and return to Rosemary Mulry at rmulry@pace.edu. All registration forms must be received by Monday, April 21, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: All children must pre-register and guardians must participate with their children in activities. A schedule of activities will be sent to those who register. If your child will be accompanying you to work, but will not be participating in the planned activities, we still need you to register your child. This is for your protection and the protection of your child.
We hope you will participate in 91视频鈥檚 Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work庐 Day. It promises to be a fun-filled interactive experience that you and your children will surely remember!
*Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work庐 is a registered trademark of the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation.
Participant Resources
- Excused Absence Form for Student (PDF)
- Schedule of Events for New York City Campus (PDF)
- Schedule of Events for Pleasantville Campus (PDF)
- Photographic Consent and Release (PDF)
Please contact Rosemary Mulry at rmulry@pace.edu if you have any questions.