Akil DuPont

Akil DuPont

Clinical Assistant Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Media & Communication Arts PLV

Akil DuPont



Personal Quote

These movies aren't going to make themselves!

Faculty Bio

As a storyteller in theatre and film, Akil DuPont has earned over 40 awards in 50+ film festivals!

Research and Creative Works

Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits

[Theatre - Write play] DuPont Productions, LLC, The Hamptons, NY - Manhattan, NYC, NY - Durham, NC - Atlanta, GA - Tallahassee, FL

Courses Taught

Past Courses

COM 200: Public Speaking
MCA 252: Media Production I
MCA 276: Story Idea Development
MCA 356: Digital Editing Wrkshp I-Intro
MCA 360: Screenwriting
MCA 383: Producing Online Digital Media