Belgacem Raggad
Awards and Honors
- The Country of Tunisia, 2001, Gold Medal for Great Contributions in IS Security
- 91ÊÓƵ, School of Computer Science and Information System, 1998, CSIS Excellence in Research Award
- NULL, 1998, Award in Excellence in Research & Scholarship, 91ÊÓƵ
- Data Processing Management Association, 1989, Data Processing Management Award
- NULL, 1982, Fulbright Scholarship
- CII-Honeywell Bull of Paris, 1979, Scholarship
PhD, Pennsylvania State University at University Park, 1989
Information Management
MS, University of Tunis, 1979
Computer Information Systems
A.D., University of Tunis, 1975
Mathematics and Physics
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Management Information Systems (Decision Support Systems); Software Engineering (Information Systems Development); Artificial Intelligence (Approximate Reasoning);
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CIT 481: Cpstn in Infrmtn Tchnlgy
CS 704: Independent Research
IS 397: Tpc: Artificial Intelligence
IS 495: Information Systems Internship
IS 600: Grad Independent Study in IS
IS 614: Applied Artfcl Intelligence
IS 617: Information Systems Principles
IS 620: IS and Organizational Strategy
IS 632: Business Telecommunications
IS 637: Info Systems Project Mgt
IS 637: IS Project & Change Mngmnt
IS 639: Info Systems Planning & Policy
IS 641: Information Security/Controls
IS 642: Info Security Planning & Pol
IS 650: Telecommunications Management
IS 660: Data Warehsng & the Orgnztn
IS 692: Research Project Seminar
IT 607: System Dvlpmnt & Prjct Mgmnt
IT 662: Web and Internet Security
IT 666: Information Security Managemnt
Publications and Presentations
Owners’ collaboration in running an IoT: An evidential model
, B. (2023). Vol Volume 18 (Issue Issue 4) , pages 37-40.
Enhancing Big Data Marketing Analytics by Learning from Rivalry
Raggad, B. (2022). International Scientific Survey Journal. Vol Vol 48 (Issue 1) , pages 12.
The State of Big Data
Raggad, B.
Sound Big Data Decision Support Despite its V’s Article:Sound Big Data Decision Support Despite its V’s
Raggad, B.
Intelligent Decision Support Capabilities for a Law Enforcement GIS
Raggad, B.
Telemedicine: Distributed Decision Support with Partial Compatibility Evidence
Mansouri, S. Vol 2016
Evidential Reasoning in Real-time Monitoring of Computing Systems
, . & Akermi, A. Vol 2016
Autonomic Computing and Policy Based Systems:
Raggad, B. INASE Journal. Vol 2015 (Issue 2015) , pages http://www.inase.org/.
Decision Support Treating Partial Compatibility Evidence in Telemedicine
Raggad, B. Vol 2015 , pages http://www.inase.org/.
Towards a Science of Cyber Security: A Security Self-Security Generator
Raggad, B. Vol 2014
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation
- CORS: Canadian Society of Operations Research
- Decision Science Institute
- E-commerce Security Society
- Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association (FISSEA)
- FRANCORO - Francophones de Recherche Opérationnelle
- FRANCORO II Conference [Member, Program Committee - 2000 Conference]
- IATF: Information Assurance Technical Framework (National Security Agency)
- International Association of Business Disciplines
- International Association of Computer Information Systems
- JOPT - Des Journées de l'Optimisation (Optimization Days of Canada)
- Literati Club, Great Britain
- NE-DSI: Northeastern Decision Science Institute
- SAM - Society for Advances in Management
- African Order of Experts [President of Diaspora]
- The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) [Editor]
- Int Academy of Bus and Pub Adm Deciplines [Editor of Journal]
- The National Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education [Reviewer]
- Association of Information Systems [Member]
- Information Systems Audit And Control Association [Member]
Public Service
- 91ÊÓƵ, Computer Science & Information Systems [Other]