Belinda Anderson
Associate Dean, Professor
Allied Health
Dr. Anderson is an NIH-funded researcher. Her recent research involves acupuncture clinical trials, implementing acupuncture in community-based clinics, educating clinicians in research and evidence-based medicine, and the use of Chinese herbs to treat COVID-19 symptoms. Dr. Anderson is a board member of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, serves as deputy editor for Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, and is co-chair of the Research Working Group of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. She has been a licensed acupuncturist specializing in women’s health and fertility since 2004, and from 2009–2018 she worked at New York University Fertility Center.
PhD, Molecular Biology
University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW, Australia
MA, Higher and Postsecondary Education
Teachers College Columbia University
New York, NY
MS, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Worcester, MA
BS, Agriculture
University of New England
Armidale, NSW, Australia
Awards and Honors
- NIH K07 Career Development Award, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY
- Tsay Fellowship Award, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, MA
- PhD Scholarship, Australian Wool Research Trust Fund
- John Nivison Epworth Prize, University of New England (Australia)
Grants, Sponsored Research, and Contracts
- NIH-National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Acupuncture for Medicare beneficiaries with chronic low back pain: Access, utilization, and outcomes. NIH grant # 1R01AT012615-01A1. Consultant (2024–2027)
- Blavatnik Family Foundation. Implementing Group Acupuncture Therapy with Modified Yoga for Chronic Pain in Federally Qualified Health Centers, co-investigator (2019–2020)
- NIH-National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). K07 Career Development Award. Evidence Informed Practice: Faculty Training and Curriculum Development. NIH grant # 1K07AT007186-01 ($670,000). Principal investigator (2013–2021)
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). PIPr Program: Public Health, Integrative Health and Primary Care Training. HRSA grant # D33HP29242. Co-investigator (2015–2018)
- Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Acupuncture Approaches to Decrease Disparities in Outcomes of Pain Treatment (AADDOPT-2). PCORI grant # AD-1402-10857. Co-investigator (2015–2017)
- Council of Colleges for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM). Seed grant. Scientific worldview differences between medical students at Pacific College and Einstein ($3,100). Principal investigator (2016–2017)
- NIH-NCCIH. Process of Integrating Evidence (PIE) for CAM Educators. NIH grant # R13AT008642. Co-investigator (2015)
- NIH-NCCIH. Developmental Center for Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(DCRC): The New England School of Acupuncture in collaboration with Harvard Medical School.
NIH grant # 5 U19 AT002022-0. Co-investigator (2004–2006) - NIH-NCCIH. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (EBCAM). . NIH grant # 5 R25 AT00714. Co-investigator (2004–2006)
- NIH-National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The Role of Cell-cell Interactions in Development. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. NIH grant # R37 (Merit Award) #HD18369. Co-investigator (1999–2001)
- (GRDC, Australian Government). Construction of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus-Resistant Plants by Genetic Engineering. GRDC grant # UCS7SR (AUS $96,500). Principal investigator (1993–1996)
- (GRDC, Australian Government). Construction of Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Resistant Lupin Plants by Genetic Engineering. GRDC grant # UCS1GL (AUS $123,500). Principal investigator. (1990–1993)
- Charles Sturt University (Australia). Faculty Research Grant (AUS $4,000). Principal investigator (1990–1991)
- Adelaide University Center for Gene Technology. Australian Research Council Special Center for
Basic and Applied Plant Molecular Biology. Co-investigator (1988–1989)
Professional and Public Service
- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, board member (2023–present)
- Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing (Elsevier/PubMed), deputy editor (2018–present)
- NIH National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health (NIH-NCCIH), board member (2018–2021)
- Society for Acupuncture Research
- Academy for Integrative Health and Medicine
- Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health
- American Association of Acupuncturists
- NJ Association of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
- Most H, Conboy L, Ostrick R, Anderson BJ. PLOS ONE 2024;19(12). PMID: 39700216.
- State of the Profession. Pacific College Symposium. (largest East Asian Medicine annual conference in the US). Oral presentation/invited speaker. San Diego, CA (October 2024)
- Anderson BJ, Munk N, Moonaz S, Healey D. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2024. Dec 9. PMID: 39648830.
- Chinese herbal medicine and COVID-19: A qualitative analysis of approaches to evidence-based practice by licensed acupuncturists in the United States. 2024 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health. Oral presentation. Cleveland, OH (April 2024) Published Abstract.
- Anderson, B. J., Zappa, M., Glickstein, B. & Taylor-Swanson, L. (2023). "The History of Chinese Medicine Really Is Very Detailed Regarding Pandemics": A Qualitative Analysis of Evidence-Based Practice and the Use of Chinese Herbal Medicine by Licensed Acupuncturists During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States." Journal of integrative and complementary medicine. Vol 29 (Issue 11), pages 738-746.
- Teets, R., Nielsen, A., Moonaz, S., Anderson, B. J., Mah, D. M., Walter, E., Milanes, M., Jyung, H., Soto Cossio, L. E., Meissner, P., McKee, M. D. & Kligler, B. (2023). "Group Acupuncture Therapy With Yoga Therapy for Chronic Neck, Low Back, and Osteoarthritis Pain in Safety Net Settings for an Underserved Population: A Feasibility Pilot Study." Global advances in integrative medicine and health. Vol 12, pages 27536130231202515.
- Evidence-based medicine analysis of Chinese herbal medicine prescribing for COVID-19 patients during the pandemic in the United States: A cross-sectional survey. 2nd World Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health. Poster. Rome, Italy (September 2023)
- Anderson, B. J., Zappa, M., Leininger, B. D. & Taylor-Swanson, L. (2023). "Cross-Sectional Survey of Acupuncturists in the United States Who Prescribed Chinese Herbal Medicine for Patients with Symptoms Likely Related to COVID-19." Journal of integrative and complementary medicine. Vol 29 (Issue 8), pages 510–517.
- Water Cooler Conversation Between Folks at Complementary and Integrative Health and Research-Focused Institutions about Research Collaboration. Academic Consortium Integrative Medicine and Health Symposium. Performance Presentation. Chicago, IL (February 2023) Published Abstract.
- Dudla, S., Herron, P. D., Marantz, P. R., Milan, F. B., Campbell, C. & Anderson, B. J. (2021). "Comparing scientific worldviews between allopathic medical degree and East Asian medicine degree students utilizing the thinking about science survey instrument (TSSI)." BMC medical education. Vol 21 (Issue 1), pages 546.
- Anderson, B. J., Meissner, P., Mah, D. M., Nielsen, A., Moonaz, S., McKee, M. D., Kligler, B., Milanes, M., Guerra, H. & Teets, R. (2021). "Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Bundled Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy to Treat Chronic Pain in Community Healthcare Settings: A Feasibility Pilot." Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). Vol 27 (Issue 6), pages 496–505.
- Anderson, B. J., Dudla, S., Marantz, P. R., Kligler, B. E., Leininger, B. D. & Evans, R. (2021). "Survey analysis to determine the impact of evidence informed practice education upon East Asian medicine faculty clinical instruction and students' skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors within a master's degree program." BMC medical education. Vol 21 (Issue 1), pages 256.
- Nielsen, A., Teets, R., Moonaz, S., Anderson, B. J., Walter, E., Milanes, M., Mah, D. M., Diane McKee, M. & Kligler, B. (2020). "Group Acupuncture Therapy With Yoga Therapy for Chronic Neck, Low Back, and Osteoarthritis Pain in Safety Net Setting for an Underserved Population: Design and Rationale for a Feasibility Pilot." Global advances in health and medicine. Vol 9, pages 2164956120964716.
Research Interests
Complementary and Integrative Health
- Acupuncture clinical trials
- Implementing acupuncture in community-based clinics
- Educating clinicians in evidence-based medicine
- Use of Chinese herbs to treat COVID-19 symptoms