
Christine Clayton

Christine Clayton

School of Education
School of Education West

Christine Clayton

Buchsbaum House


Personal Quote

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” Ranier Marie Rilke


EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2005
Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Teaching

MA, Stanford Teacher Education Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1992
California Secondary School Teaching Professional Clear Credential in social studies and English

BA, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1991
History, Phi Beta Kappa

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Teacher Education, Teacher Learning, Professional Development, Inquiry Learning, Teacher Performance Assessment, Teacher Evaluation & Teacher Quality

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ED 523: Mid Chldhd Adlscnc: Comm & Id
ED 640: Secondary Mthd: Learn to Teach
ED 656: Literacy in the Content Area
ED 690: Teacher as Researcher
ED 691: Stdnt Tchng in Chldhd Classrm
ED 692: Stdnt Tchng in Adlscnt Clsrm
EDG 601: Social Foundations
EDG 602: Adolescent Development
EDG 605: General Assessment
EDG 610: Methods in Inclusive Settings
EDG 620: Educational Rsrch for Teaching
EDG 621: Seminar in Inclusive
EDG 622: Clinical Practice in Teaching
EDU 395: Independent Study in Education
TCH 203: Undrstndng Dvlop:Childhd & Ado
TCH 211: DASA Workshop
TCH 215: Curr & Tching - Scndry Schools
TCH 301: CPD Experience
TCH 309: Undrstndng Assessment & Eval
TCH 310: CPD Field Experience-Childhood
TCH 314: FldwrkI:Field Exp. in Child
TCH 316: FldwrkI:Fld Exprnc.in Adol Set
TCH 317: Fldwrk II: Field Exp in Adol.
TCH 323: CPD Field Exprnc: Adolescent
TCH 323: Mthds & Mdls of Tchng Adlscnts
TCH 350: Topic:CPD Field Experience
TCH 396: Understanding Development
TCH 412: CPD Field Experience-Adolescnt
TCH 412: Ltrcy Instrcn Secondary School
TCH 440: CPD Field Experience:Childhood
TCH 455: Middle Chldhd / Early Adlscnc
TCH 475: CPD Field Experience: Adlscnt
TCH 495: Stdnt Tchng/Smnr in Adol. Clrm
TCH 498: Sprvsd Stdnt Tchng & Sem
TCHN 201: Education I: Understanding Shl
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty

Related News and Stories

In the Media

School of Education Professor Christine Clayton speaks with The Journal News about President Trump’s proposal to abolish the U.S. Department of Education, noting that while funding and laws would remain, the move raises concerns about the national mission for public education.

In the Media

School of Education Professor Christine Clayton speaks with Lohud – and Gannett newspapers statewide-- about the New York State Education Department creating alternative assessments for the Regents Exam. "What's concerning to me is that, you know, that commitment to this kind of project has to be maintained for years and years," said Christine Clayton, an education professor at 91Ƶ.