Francine Falk-Ross
Chair of School of Education
Faculty Bio
I am the Chair of School of Education on the NYC campus. I am also the Coordinator for the Literacy Specialist Graduate Program which is an online program, and I have taught on both campuses. My teaching and research articles and books are based on Literacy (and new literacies) development topics for all ages.
Awards and Honors
- Office of Sponsored Research at 91Ƶ, 2015, 91Ƶ Best Presentation on Research Day 2015
- University College of Education, 2007, The Northern Illinois University College of Education Award for Scholarly Research
Licensures and Certificates
- Illinois State, Illinois State General Administrative Certificate Type 75
- Illinois State, Illinois State Teacher Certification, K-12 Type 10
- Illinois State, Illinois State Licensure, Speech and Language Pathology
- New York State, New York State Permanent Teaching Certification
PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1995
Curriculum and Instruction-Reading
MA, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 1976
Communication Disorders
BS, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY, 1972
Speech and Language Pathology
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Middle School Literacy
New Literacies (e.g., Digital Technology, composing, video)
Teacher Education
Interactive Discourse
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
Examining Urban Teacher Candidates' Us of Critical Media Literacy
[Research Presentation] Falk-Ross, F.C. & McDermott, P., American Educational Research Association, virtualA Collaboration of Citizens: Content Area Teachers Consult Community Stakeholders to Build Educational Resources.
[Research Presentation] Falk-Ross, F. C., & McDermott, P., Literacy Research Association, VirtualPoetry re-imagined: Realizing its potential for content area instruction and confronting long-held attitudes
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Social Education JournalPreservice teachers taking a critical stance when examining children’s literature,
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Literacy Research and InstructionTaking it to the streets
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Educational Leadership journalAdvocating for Increased Use of Digital Literacies by Preservice Teachers for Literacy Instruction.
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Information Age PublishingDigital technologies in the middle grades: A review of research
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Text: Literature Reviews in support of Middle Level Education research Agenda., Information Age PublishingTutoring in the 21st century: New visions and designs.
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Reading & Writing QuarterlyLanguage-Based Approaches to Support Reading Comprehension
[Nonfiction - Book] Rowman and Littlefield, Inc., Lanham, MAMiddle Grades Research Journal-Multicultural Education, Special Themed Issue
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] Association of Middle Level EducatorsChallenges in changing times, The thirtieth yearbook of the College Reading Association.
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] College Reading AssociationMiddle Grades Research Journal-Literacy, Special Themed Issue
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] American Educational Research Association, SIG Middle Level Education ResearchersMiddle Grades Research Journal-Reading and Writing Special Themed issue,
[Nonfiction - Print Journal] American Educational Research Association, SIG Middle Level Education ResearchClassroom-based language and literacy intervention: A programs and case studies approach
[Nonfiction - Book] Allyn & Bacon Publisheers, Boston, MA
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
Illinois Math-Science Partnership Grant
Falk-Ross, F. C. Illinois State Board of Education. Funded. Coursework for biological Sciences. Planning Committee
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ED 523: Mid Chldhd Adlscnc: Comm & Id
ED 524: Differentiating Curriculum
ED 627: Literacy and Humanities
ED 632: Lnge, & Dvlpmnt of Glbl Prsp
ED 634: Erly Chldhd Ltrcy: Prcs & Prac
ED 652: Assessmnt in Ltrcy:Grades B-12
ED 655: Early Literacy Instruction
ED 655: Erly Ltrcy Dvl in Dvrs Setting
ED 655: Ltrcy Instrctn: Intrmdte Grade
ED 677: Ltrcy for Chldrn w/ Spcl Needs
ED 690: Teacher as Researcher
ED 691: Stdnt Tchng Chldhd Ltrcy Clsrm
ED 691: Stdnt Tchng in Chldhd Classrm
ED 692: Stdnt Tchng Adlscnt Ltrcy Clsr
ED 693: Literacy Practicum I:Brth-Gr 6
ED 693: Litrcy Practicum II: Brth-Gr 6
ED 694: Literact Practicum I Gr 5-12
ED 694: Literact Practicumii Gr 5-12
ED 694: Literacy Practicum I Gr 5-12
ED 754: Literature and Digital Story
ED 755: Literacy Instruction and Tech
ED 757: Adolescent Content Literacies
EDG 612: Eng Lng Arts Instrctn & Assmnt
EDG 617: Inclusive Literacy Assessment
EDG 618: Individual Program Planning
EDG 620: Educational Rsrch for Teaching
EDG 621: Internship Experience
EDG 621: Intrnshp Experience Adolescent
EDG 622: Teaching Internship
EDG 622: Teaching Internship II
EDG 623: Intrnshp Exprnc with Children
EDG 624: Teaching Internship
EDG 627: Ltrcy Mthds in Soc Studies
EDU 296: European Educational Thinkers
EDU 395: Independent Study in Education
EDU 500: Topic: New Literacies to Meet
EDU 696: European Educational Thinkers
EHA 661: Assessmnt & Eval in Hghr Edctn
MM 801: Maintain Matriculation-DCS
TCH 301: CPD Experience
TCH 301: Edu II: Undrstndng Lrng & Tchg
TCH 310: CPD Field Experience-Childhood
TCH 310: Emergent and Early Literacy
TCH 350: Topic:CPD Field Experience
TCH 410: CPD Experience
TCH 426: Tchng English to Adolescents
TCH 440: Soc Sci Mthds: Intgrtd Apprch
TCH 455: Middle Chldhd / Early Adlscnc
TCH 456: Differentiating Curriculum
TCH 498: Sprvsd Stdnt Tchng & Sem
Publications and Presentations
Multimodal reading and design: Preservice Teachers’ Graphic Narratives for Students.
Falk-Ross, F. C. & Linder, R. (2024). Language Arts. Vol 101 (Issue 4) , pages 249-262.
Poetry re-imagined: Realizing its potential for content area instruction and confronting long-held attitudes.
Falk-Ross, F. C. & Linder, R. (2020). National Council of Social Studies Journal. Vol 84 (Issue 6) , pages 387-391.
Aprendizaje de la cultura Española y Latina. Una creciente necesidad de maestros en los Estados Unidos (Learning Spanish and Latino culture: A growing need for teachers in the United States)
Falk-Ross, F. & Adler, R.
Falk-Ross, F. Mertens, Caskey, & Flowers (Eds.), Charlotte, NC , USA:Information Age Publishing. (Issue 2nd)
Using the visual and performing arts to complement young adolescents’ “close reading” of texts
Falk-Ross, F., McDermott, P. & Medow, S. Middle School Journal. Vol 43 (Issue 1) , pages 27-33.
Coding technology middle grade instructional innovation.
Falk-Ross, F. C. (2020). Association for Middle Level Educators. Middle Level Research Education/ AERA SIG,
Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning
Falk-Ross, F. C. (2020). Association of Middle Level Educators. Middle Level Research Education,
Urban street Art. Teaching visual literacy, critical reading and composing.
Falk-Ross, F. C. & McDermott, P. (2020). Twenty-seventh International Conference on Learning. The Learner Network,
The effects of evidence use on students’ literacy comprehension and self-efficacy.
Falk-Ross, F. C. & Figuierdo, A. (2019). Association of Middle Level Educators. AMLE,
Windows, sliding doors and mirrors – Applying Sims Bishop’s metaphor today.
Falk-Ross, F. C. (2019). New York State Reading Association Annual Conference. NYSRA,
Taking a Critical Stance toward Evaluating Themes in Tradebooks.
Falk-Ross, F. C. & Linder, R. (2019). 21st European Conference on Literacy. 21st European Conference on Literacy,
Creating cartoon characters: Teaching literacy elements using digital applications
Falk-Ross, F. C., Appel, j., Telesco, A., Connor, S. & Pierre, E. (2017). New York State Reading Association Annual Conference. NYSRA,
Aprendizaje de la cultura Española y Latina: Una creciente necesidad de maestros en los Estados Unidos (Learning Spanish and Latino culture: A growing need for teachers in the United States).
Falk-Ross, F. C. (2017). 20th European Conference on Literacy. Spanish Literacy Association,
Literacy in the 21st Century: Integrating Conventional and Digital Literacies in Classroom Learning Activities,
Falk-Ross, F. C. (2016). 19th European Conference on Literacy. Austrian Literacy Association,
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- National Middle School Association [Member of National Association of Professors of Middle Level Education]
- Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (formerly the College Reading Association)
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Reading Conference
- American Educational Research Association
- International Reading Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- New York State Reading Council
- Northeastern Educational Research Association
- Society for Discourse and Text
- Illinois Reading Council
- Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) [Association Council Member]
- Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) [Chair, Teacher Education Division]
- American Reading Forum
- Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA)
- Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA)
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA)
Department Service
- Chair of NYC campus SOE Education [Committee Chair]
College Service
- Editorial Responsibilities
- Convocation Committee [Committee Member]
- Kenan & Scholarly Research Committee [Committee Member]
- SOE Faculty Council Steering Committee [Committee Chair]
University Service
- Academic Affairs [Committee Member]
- Technology Committee [Committee Member]
- Middle States Self-Study Committee [Committee Member]
Professional Service
AERA SIG: Research in Reading and Literacy [Chairperson]