The Great Resignation. Remote Work. COVID-19 and the future of work. You’ve heard it all, but what does it mean? Talent Management expert Ibraiz Tarique, PhD, breaks down the ever-evolving relationship between employers and the people who truly make workplaces tick.

Ibraiz Tarique
Department Chairperson
Dr. Ibraiz Tarique is the Chair of the Department of Management and Management Science and Professor of Human Resources and Talent Management. He earned his Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management from Rutgers University. His current academic research interest is in international human resource management with a focus on issues related to global talent management, and developing high potential employees.
Dr. Tarique is the Editor (Focus Series on Global Talent Management, Routledge, Taylor & Francis), Editor (Companion to Talent Management), Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Editor, Contemporary Talent Management: A Research Companion, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Associate Editor (International Journal of Human Resource Management, Routledge, Taylor & Francis), and a Fellow, Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship, New York, NY.
He has three new books:
1) International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises, 6th Edition (with Randall Schuler and Dennis Briscoe)
2) Routledge’s Companion to Talent Management, 1st Edition
3) Contemporary Talent Management: A Research Companion, 1st Edition
He has written extensively in academic and professional journals. His publications include articles in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management Review, and International Journal of Training and Development and several scholarly book chapters. He has presented numerous papers at the Annual Academy of Management Meetings. He is a member of several editorial boards of the international peer-reviewed journals including International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Global Mobility, European Journal of International Management, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Training and Development, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, and Advances in Global Leadership.
His coauthored paper (with Randall Schuler) on Global Talent Management in the Journal of World Business was ranked #1 (most downloaded in 2011, 2012, 2013, & 2014) and # 1 (most cited paper in 2015, 2104, 2013) by the publication. His co-authored paper (with Paula Caligiuri), “Dynamic cross-cultural competencies and global leadership effectiveness,” published in the Journal of World Business, received the 2012 Global Leadership Advancement Center Best Article Award. Another co-authored Paper (with Ellen Weisbord) in the Journal of Global Mobility chosen as a Highly Commended Paper winner and one of the most impressive pieces of work throughout 2013.
Dr. Tarique has published 7 Books including Routledge’s Companion to Talent Management, 1st Edition; Contemporary Talent Management: A Research Companion, 1st Edition; International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises 4th, 5th & 6th editions (with Randall Schuler and Dennis Briscoe); Seven Trends in Corporate Training and Development: Strategies to Align Goals with Employee Needs; and Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context (with Paul Sparrow and Hugh Scullion).
Dr. Tarique teaches HRM courses at four levels: Executive MBA, Regular MBA, MSc in HRM, and Undergraduate Business Management.
Industrial Relations and Human Resources
Publications and Presentations
Tarique, I., Schulelr, R. (2018). A multi-level framework for understanding global talent management systems for high talent expatriates within and across subsidiaries of MNEs: propositions for further research. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research.
Caligiuri, P., Tarique, I. (2016). Cultural Agility and International Assignees’ Effectiveness in Cross-Cultural Interactions. International Journal of Training and Development. 20(4), 280-289.
Khilji, S., Tarique, I., Schuler, R. (2015). Incorporating the macro view in global talent management. Human Resource Management Review. 25(3), 12.