Ida Dupont
Department Co-Chairperson
BA, Vassar College
Criminal Justice
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Domestic Violence in Marginalized Communities Focused Deterrence Strategies for Domestic Violence Ethics and Research Sex Trafficking Restorative Justice
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CRJ 121: Government Administration
CRJ 150: Intro to Criminal Justice
CRJ 240: Cmprtve Crmnl Justice Systm
CRJ 242: Crime and Public Policy
CRJ 243: Alcohol, Drugs and Crime
CRJ 251: Penology
CRJ 296: Image-Making in Age of Terror
CRJ 296: Img-Mkng in Age of Terror - LC
CRJ 296: Topic: Crime and Public Policy
CRJ 296: Topic: Sociology of Violence
CRJ 298: Cntmpry Prspctvs on Violence
CRJ 298: Cntmpry Prspctvs on Violnce LC
CRJ 375: CRJ Sys Rspns to Vlnc & Chldab
CRJ 395: Ind Study in Criminal Justice
CRJA 243: Alcohol, Drugs and Crime
HON 499: Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds
SOC 102: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 110: Social Problems
SOC 114: Criminology
SOC 115: Social Problems & Resilience
SOC 116: Sociology of Deviance
SOC 222: Gender and Social Change
SOC 223: Sexuality, Reprod & the Family
SOC 230: Crime and Social Justice
SOC 231: Critical Criminology: Explor
SOC 297: Sexuality,Reproduction,Family
SOC 390: Internship in Sociology
SOC 395: Independent Study in Sociology
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
WS 266: Gender, Race and Class - LC