Through a grant from the New York State Department of Education, SOE's Jennifer Pankowski and Seidenberg's Tom Schmidt are employing artificial intelligence solutions to potentially revolutionize the teacher training experience.

Jennifer Pankowski
Faculty Bio
After completing my Educational Doctoral Degree at Long Island University in Curriculum and Instruction (2013), I joined the 91Ƶ School of Education as the coordinator of Special Education in NYC. I am responsible for overseeing the proper functioning and quality of the special education program.
Licensures and Certificates
- New York State Department of Education, Professional Certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities All Grades (P-12)
- New York State Department of Education, Dignity for All Students Act Facilitator (DASA)
- New York State Department of Education, Professional Certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities (1-6)
- New York State Department of Education, Professional Certification in Teaching Childhood Education (1-6)
- New York State Department of Education, Initial Certification in Teaching Childhood Education (1-6)
- New York State Department of Education, Initial Certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities (1-6)
EdD, Long Island University-CW Post, Upper Brookville, NY, 2013
Curriculum and Instruction
MS, Long Island University, Brentwood, NY, 2009
Childhood Education and Special Education
BA, Binghamton University, Vestal, NY, 2002
Politics, Philosophy and Law
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
My background is working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit disorders, I continue to work both in the field with new teachers and well as address the role of technology in supporting both students and teachers in the classroom environment. My research has also focused on the role of simulation in developing novice teachers. This research has looked at combining traditional teach pedagogy with the use of avatar technology to provide new alternative certification teachers and teacher candidates with realistic student simulations for the purpose of skill development and self-reflection.
Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits
Through Fisher’s Eyes: An Autism Adventure, Audiobook Producer, June 2018 Dark Spectrum: Fisher’s Autism Trilogy: Audio Book
[Audiobook Production] 91Ƶ Performing Arts Students, 91Ƶ, New York
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
Degree and Certification Services for Teachers and Teacher Candidates
Pankowski, J. June 2020 - June 2026. New York City Department of Education, Local. Funded. Providing certification and Master of Science in teaching degrees for alternative certification candidates in the NYCDOE via the NYC Teaching Fellows program and Partner Teachers Collaborative
Using Avatar Technology to support novice and pre-service teachers
Pankowski, J. December 2023 - May 2026. 91Ƶ, 91Ƶ. Funded. For this study the avatar technology requires the use of specific equipment which 91Ƶ already owns in conjunction with a highly training simulation specialist, this program will require the training of a simulation specialist for the purpose of working with students during course times. Currently 91Ƶ has only one simulation specialist and given the diversity of coursework that is included in this student that individual is unable to collaborate during all times, in order to ensure both graduate and undergraduate candidates have the opportunity to use the technology, a second simulation specialist in needed, these funds with be used to pay for this professional training.
Enhancing Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities for Postsecondary Success (SWDPS)
Pankowski, J. September 2024 - August 2025. New York State Department of Education, State. Funded. Background Information Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2021 appropriated $2,000,000 for “enhancing supports and services for students with disabilities enrolled in New York State degree granting colleges and universities.” The language for this priority proposal was developed in collaboration with the NYSED Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Student with Disabilities as well as New York’s higher education sectors – the State University of New York (SUNY), the City University of New York (CUNY), the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU), and the Association of Proprietary Colleges (APC). Their joint efforts are reflected in SED Departmental #6 or S.6517 Stavisky.
Enhancing Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities for Postsecondary Success
Pankowski, J. September 2023 - August 2024. New York State Department of Education, State. Funded. Funding to support students with disabilities to encourage better academic outcomes and retention.
Enhancing Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities for Postsecondary Success (SWDPS)
Pankowski, J. October 2023 - December 2023. New York State Department of Education, State. Funded. This grant was recovering previously lost funding
Funding The appropriated $4,000,000 in program funds for 2023-24 will be allocated proportionally to SUNY, CUNY, and individually to each private, independent, degree-granting college and university based on their reported number of SWDs enrolled, compared against the total number of SWDs enrolled in all IHEs that successfully apply for funding. Funding decisions will be based upon the 2021-22 reported enrollment of SWDs submitted by each institution to the Commissioner. SED estimates that awards will be based on the formula of approximately $53 per enrolled SWD. However, if otherwise eligible IHEs decline to apply for this funding opportunity, funds may be reallocated among the remaining applicant IHEs who are deemed eligible for funding. The Notice of Intent to Apply (described below) will help SED determine final funding amounts for each eligible IHE that chooses to apply.
Supporting Temporary Teachers Through Mixed Reality Simulations
Pankowski, J. June 2022 - December 2023. Miami-Dade School District, Other. Funded. Created a strategic partnership with Miami-Dade Schools to create avatar simulations for Temporary teachers to understand classroom management and implicit bias.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
DIS 104: Human Development
DIS 210: Pstv Behvr Apprchs & Inclsns
DIS 305: Sprvsng & Dvlpng Personnel
ED 620: Elem Meth: Learn to Teach
ED 640: Secondary Mthd: Learn to Teach
ED 670: Trends & Issues in Special Ed
ED 671: Assmnt,Diag,Eval,Instrctn Plan
ED 672: Dffrntng Crrclm & Instrctn
ED 674: Clssrm Cmmnty & Mngmnt
ED 675: Students with Severe Dsblty
ED 677: Ltrcy for Chldrn w/ Spcl Needs
ED 679: Practicum in Special Education
ED 684: Clssrm Mgnt in Inclsve Settngs
ED 684: Clssrm Mgt in Inclsve Settings
ED 687: Classroom Mgmt & Collaboration
ED 691: Stdnt Tchng Chld Spcl Ed Clsrm
EDG 511: DASA- Discrimination in School
EDG 605: General Assessment
EDG 607: Supporting Positive Behavior
EDG 616: Cross-Disciplinary Instruction
EDG 621: Internship Experience
EDG 621: Intrnshp Experience Adolescent
EDG 622: Teaching Internship
EDG 622: Teaching Internship II
EDG 623: Internship with Children II
EDG 623: Intrnshp Exprnc with Children
EDG 624: Teaching Internship
EDU 696: edTPA Preparation Workshop
TCH 211: DASA Workshop
TCH 302: Introdctn to Special Education
Publications and Presentations
Impact of COVID-19 on Young Students with Disabilities in the United States
Pankowski, J. (2024). Ruth Guirguis and Raquel Plotka (Eds.), United Kingdom , United States:Ethics International Press. , pages 15.
Classroom Management Video Demonstrations Instructor’s Guide
Pankowski, J. & Walker, J. T.
Why effective classroom management depends on teachers’ abilities with engage families.
Walker, J. T. & Pankowski, J. (2022). Edward J. Sabornie, Dorothy L. Espelage (Eds.), New York, NY , United States:Routledge.
Developing Spontaneous Communication for Students with Autism.
Pankowski, J. (2017). Developing Spontaneous Communication for Students with Autism..Lambert Academic Publishing (Eds.), New York, NY , United States : Lambert Academic Publishing. , pages 224.
Professional Contributions and Service
Intellectual Property
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