June Chisholm
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology NY
Awards and Honors
- The University of the State of New York, Department of Education, 2012, Certificate of Achievement and Appreciation
- National Association of University Women, 2010, The Dr. Hilda A. Davis Distinguished Educator Award
Licensures and Certificates
- NY State Dept. of Education, Psychologist
Courses Taught
Past Courses
PSY 227: Psychology of Women
PSY 307: Psychology of Personality
PSY 320: Abnormal Psychology I
PSY 321: Abnormal Psychology II
PSY 337: Intro Psychological Counseling
PSY 337: Intro to Psycholgcl Counseling
PSY 396: Psychopathology Goes to Movies
PSY 618: Cmnty Mntl Hlth: Phil & Cncpt
PSY 695: Independent Stdy in Psychology
PSY 710: Psychopathology:Child/Adolesce
PSY 725: Advanced Personality Theories
PSY 821: School-Clinical Child Psy I
PSY 822: Sch Clinical Chld Psy Int II
PSY 876: Multicltrl/Gndr Intrvntn Issue
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- American Psychological Association
Professional Service
State Department of Education [extended member]