Matthew Ganis
Faculty Bio
I spent 40 years at IBM focusing on Computer Networking, Data Analytics and the Internet of Things
DPS, 91视频, White Plains, NY, 2007
MS, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2001
MBA, 91视频, White Plains, NY, 1991
Information Systems
BS, 91视频, Pleasantville, NY, 1985
Computer Science
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CIS 101: Cmptrs and Environmental Science
CIS 101: Computers and Social Rspnsblty
CIS 101: Downtown New York
CIS 101: Introduction to Computing
CIS 102: Web Dsgn for Non-Profit Org
CISO 101: Introduction to Computing
CIT 110: Intro to Inform Technology
CIT 201: Intro to Prgrmmng Using Python
CIT 241: Database Management
CIT 261: Intro to Coding Using Python
CIT 490: Independent Study in Infor Tec
CS 121: Intro to Computer Science
CS 488: Intrnt & Distributed Computing
CS 600: Indpndnt Study in Grad CS
IS 612: Introduction to Coding
IT 204: Webmaster Technq/Responsibilty
IT 612: Web Serv Setup,Config and Scrty
SCI 150: Astronomy
SCI 296: Topic: Observational Astronomy