Meghana Nayak
Department Chairperson
Faculty Bio
Human Rights and International Relations scholar focused on critical approaches to understanding power and social change.
BA, Southwestern University
Honors Psychology/Women's Studies
PhD, University of Minnesota
Political Science
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
The politics of gender/racial/caste violence; human rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants; U.S. foreign policy; feminist approaches to intergenerational/historic trauma
Courses Taught
Past Courses
HON 499: Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds
INT 197: Comprtv Racl & Gndr Poltcs
INT 297: Media & the Politics of War
INT 297: Politics & Cultures of ME & SA
INT 298: Intrntnl Iss in Chld Prtctn
POL 114: Intro to Intrntl Relations
POL 214: Revolution or Reform
POL 219: Intrn'l Pltcs & Ecnmc Orgnztns
POL 219: Intrn'l Political Eco & Global
POL 233: Advanced Intrntnl Relations
POL 233: International Relations
POL 247: Intrntl Law & Hmn Rghts
POL 249: Feminist Political Theory
POL 250: Gender and Politics
POL 296: Topic: Gender and Politics
POL 297: Tpc: Intrntl Law & Hmn Rghts
POL 303: Politics Workshop: U.N.
POL 303: Wksp:Int'L Issues/Trouble Spot
POL 303: Workshop: Int'l Organization
POL 392: Politics Internship II
POL 393: Internship in Government
POL 395: Ind Study in Political Studies
POL 499: Senior Year Experience/Politic
POLA 114: International Relations
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
WS 166: Gender, Race and Class
WS 280: Intern in Women Gender Study
WS 291: Global Activist Politics
WS 291: Global Actvsm Transntl Feminsm
WS 296: Glbl Fmnst & Pstclnl Prspctvs
Publications and Presentations
Tilt: A Novel on Intergenerational Trauma
Nayak, M. V. (2024). Tilt: A Novel on Intergenerational Trauma. Rowman and Littlefield.
"Politics of Disinheritance"
Nayak, M. V. (2020). Women's Studies Quarterly. Vol 48 (Issue 1&2) , pages 236-253.
"Gendered Insecurity and Migration in Global Politics"
Nayak, M. V. (2018). , Caron Gentry, Laura J. Shepherd, Laura Sjoberg (Eds.), Routledge.
"Discourses of Democracy and Gender: Rethinking Feminism as the Redemption of Arabs and Muslims."
Nayak, M. V. ; Wahlrab and McNeal (Eds.), I.B. Tauris.
Who is Worthy of Protection? Gender-Based Asylum and U.S. Immigration Politics
Nayak, M. V. (2015). Who is Worthy of Protection? Gender-Based Asylum and U.S. Immigration Politics.New York , U.S. : Oxford University Press.
"Remaking the Global: Social Media and Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S."
Nayak, M. V. ; Laura Shepherd, Caitlin Hamilton (Eds.), Routledge Press.
"The False Choice Between Secular Universalism versus Religion/Culture"
Nayak, M. V. (2013). Politics and Gender. Vol 9 (Issue 1)
Decentering International Relations
Nayak, M. V. & Selbin, E. (2010). Decentering International Relations. Zed Books.
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- National Women's Studies Association
- International Studies Association
University Service
- Dyson Houses [Faculty Advisor]