Through a grant from the National Cancer Institute, Professor of Biology Nancy Krucher, PhD, Anastasiia Vaska ’24, and Michael Ferretti ’24 are exploring how a new cancer drug could help tackle the resistance patients can develop to ongoing treatments.

Nancy Krucher
PhD, Clarkson University, Potsdam, 1995
Cellular Biology
BS, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY, 1988
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Many proteins that control cell division are involved in cancer development. The phosphorylation state of the Retinoblastoma protein (Rb) regulates the ability of this protein to control cell proliferation.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
BIO 101: General Biology I
BIO 231: Genetics
BIO 292: Bio Lbrtry Rsrch Training
BIO 292: Bio Lbrtry Rsrch Trng
BIO 327: Cellular Biochemistry
BIO 335: Molecular & Cellular Biology
BIO 375: Advanced Cell Biology
BIO 395: Independent Study in Biology
BIO 396: Guided Study in Biology
BIO 480: Research in Biology
BIO 481: Research in Biology II
BIO 491: Internship in Biology
BMB 710: Research I
BMB 711: Research II
CHE 329: Adv Biochemistry Laboratory
CHE 480: Research in Chemistry
ENS 600: Grad Ens - Independent Study
ENS 690: Tpc: Molecular & Cellular Bio
ENS 699: Special Topics in Env Science
Publications and Presentations
Structure–activity relationships and transcriptomic analysis of hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors
Poloznikov, A. A., Nikulim, S. V., Hushpulian, D. M., Khristichenko, A. Y., Osipyants, A. I., Asachenko, A. F., Shurupova, O. V., Savin, S. S., Lee, S. H., Gaisina, I. N., Thatcher, G. J., Narciso, A., Chang, E. P., Kazakov, S. V., Krucher, N. A., Tishkov, V. I., Thomas, B. & Gazaryan, I. (2022). Antioxidants. Vol 11 , pages 220.
Related News and Stories
Biology professor Nancy Krucher, PhD, understands the transformative power of research. She’s a pioneer in the fight against breast cancer, and she’s just received a three-year $400,241 grant from the National Cancer Institute through the National Institutes of Health to study new methods to combat cancer cell development of resistance to targeted treatments.
91ÊÓƵ Professor of Biology Nancy Krucher, PhD, has received a three-year $400,241 grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study new methods to combat cancer cell development of resistance to targeted treatments.