Paul Griffin
Department Chairperson
BA, 91视频
MS, 91视频
PhD, Fordham University
Applied Development Psychology
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Subjective and eudaimonic well-being; personality, emotional development and aging; ; grief counseling; issues in counseling education; counseling and non-belief.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
MHC 638: Positive Psych & Psychotherapy
MHC 652: Hmn Growth & Dvlpmt
MHC 674: Intgrtng Sem: Prof Orientation
MHC 687: Mntl Hlth Cnslng/Consultation
MHC 710: Doctoral Practicum in MHC
MHC 731: Theories & Mthds of Cnslr Edu
MHC 800: Independent Study l
MHC 831: Doctoral Dissertation Sem I
MHC 832: Doctoral Dissertation Sem II
MM 802: Maintain Matriculation-PhD
MM 802: Maintain Matriculation-Phd
PSY 111: Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 112: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 214: Anml Psych & Hmn-anml Bond
PSY 233: Psychology of Civic Engagement
PSY 240: Positive Psychology/Happiness
PSY 271: Psychology of Morality
PSY 296: Tpc: Pstve Psych & Happiness
PSY 306: Psychological Testing
PSY 307: Psychology of Personality
PSY 375: Lifespan Dvlpmnt Psychology
PSY 395: Indpndnt Study in Psychology
PSY 396: Tpc: Pstve Psych & Happiness
PSY 600: Grad Psy / Indpndnt Study
PSY 631: Cnslng Theories & Tchnqs II
PSY 638: Positive Psych & Psychotherapy
PSY 650: Career & Lifestyle Development
PSY 650: Fld Exp: Counseling Intrnshp I
PSY 651: Iss of Chld & Adlscnt Psychlgy
PSY 651: Mntl Hlth Cnslng/Consultation
PSY 652: Hmn Growth & Dvlpmt
PSY 652: Hmn Growth & Dvlpmt & Fmly Sys
PSY 660: Death, Loss, and Bereavement
PSY 662: Lss/Brvmnt Cnsling Acrss Lfspn
PSY 662: Lss/Brvmnt Cnslng Acrss Lfspn
PSY 674: Intgrtng Sem: Prof Orientation
PSY 677: Research & Program Evaluation
PSY 687: Mntl Hlth Cnslng/Consultation
PSY 693: Rsrch Smnr in Mntl Hlth Cnslng
PSY 695: Independent Stdy in Psychology