Sam Baruch
Faculty Bio
​​​​​Sam Baruch earned his undergraduate degrees in Economics and Mathematics from the City University of New York, and his graduate degree in Statistics from Columbia University. Over the years, Sam strengthened our mathematical economics and statistics courses to better equip students to work on research both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Sam has mentored many students in economic research. Many of the students went on to present at many prestigious academic and professional functions such as the Society of Fellows Conference, Economic Scholars Program at the Federal Reserve Banks in Dallas and Cleveland, and at the Eastern Economic Conference. Prof. Baruch was bestowed with the Excellence in Research Mentor Award in April 2024. Since 2018, Prof. Baruch co-coached our award-winning Fiscal Challenge team and as of 2024, he became the head coach/mentor.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ECO 105: Principles of Economics: Macro
ECO 106: Principles of Economics: Micro
ECO 106: Prncpls of Ecnmcs: Mcroecnmcs
ECO 234: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 240: Quant Analysis & Forecasting
ECO 240: Quantitative Anlys & Forcastng
ECO 305: Glbl Finance & Ecnmc Actvty
ECO 380: Mathematical Economics
ECO 385: Ecnmtrcs: Models & Orgnztns
ECO 387: Mathematical Economics II
ECO 688: Advncd Appld Econ Anls
ECO 688: Advncd Appld Mthmtcl Econ Anls
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics (CAP)
MAT 103: Algebra
MAT 103: Algebra - A
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 117: Elementary Statistics
MAT 130: Precalculus
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 144: Intro to Prob & Stat for Eco
MAT 234: Intro to Prob & Stat Analysis
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty