Sara Vasta

Sara Vasta

Clinical Assistant Professor
Program Director
MS in Mental Health Counseling
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology PLV
Marks Hall
| Office Hours: Tue 9:00am-12:00am,Wed 4:30pm-6:30pm


Faculty Bio

Dr. Vasta’s current research examines how to better understand well-being among one of the most stressful and dangerous occupations, police officers, particularly focusing on the effects of flow. More specifically, her work has examined questions such as how job, organizational and flow characteristics impact job satisfaction and how job satisfaction levels impact life satisfaction. Dr. Vasta is also interested in studying the job dynamics of mental health counselors in relation to supervision, burnout, and self-efficacy.

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

The central theme of Dr. Vasta's work is understanding how individuals’ work can affect their psychological well-being.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

MHC 613: Prsptvs on Psttrmtc Strs Dsrdr
MHC 675: Field Experience: Internship I
MHC 676: Field Experience:Internship II
MHC 687: Mntl Hlth Cnslng/Consultation
MHC 694: Practicum in Mntl Hlth Cnslng
PSY 111: Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 111: Introduction To Psychology II
PSY 112: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 201: Psych of Business and Industry
PSY 205: Stats in Psych and Allied Fields
PSY 215: Psych of Cultural Diversity
PSY 240: Positive Psychology/Happiness
PSY 243: Applied Social Psychology
PSY 256: Psych of Personal Adjustment
PSY 304: Social Psychology
PSY 311: Biological Psychology
PSY 311: Physiological Psychology
PSY 315: Cognitive Psychology
PSY 633: Counseling Internship
PSY 675: Field Experience: Internship I
PSY 676: Field Experience:Internship II
PSY 687: Mntl Hlth Cnslng/Consultation
PSY 694: Practicum in Mntl Hlth Cnslng