Associate Professor Satish Kolluri, PhD, and Professor Joseph Lee, PhD, challenge students to explore complex themes of family, love, art, culture, and politics through Hong Kong and Bollywood cinema.

Satish Kolluri
PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2001
Communication Studies
MA, Cornell University, Ithaca, 1990
Communication Arts
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Philosophy of Communication, Digital and Participatory Cultures, Asian Cinema, Aesthetics and Affect Theory, Parenting and Education, Media, Satire, Politics and Civic Engagement, Cultural Studies,
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CMS 213: Intercultural Communication
CMS 393: Internship Program I
CMS 394: Internship Program II
COM 113: Media, Culture, and Society
COM 200: Public Speaking
COM 213: Intercultural Communication
COM 245: Commctn and Popular Culture
COM 270: Political Communication
COM 296: Intro to Cultural Studies
COM 297: Intro to Cultural Studies
COM 297: Topic:Media, Culture & Society
COM 312: Intro to Cultural Studies
COM 336: Propaganda
COM 338: Media Criticism
COM 393: Intern Program I
COM 393: Internship Program I
COM 393: Internship Program l
COM 394: Intern Program II
COM 394: Internship Program II
COM 395: Independent Study in Comm.
COM 396: Global Citznshp in Action
COM 396: Topic: Political Communication
COS 213: Intercultural Communication
COS 270: Political Communication
COS 312: Intro to Cultural Studies
COS 393: Internship Program l
COS 394: Internship Program II
COS 396: Topics:Strategic Communication
INT 297: Globalization of Asian Cinemas
INT 297: Media & the Politics of War
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
WS 395: Independent Study
Publications and Presentations
Globalizing the American Classroom with Hong Kong and Bollywood Cinemas
Lee, J. T. & Kolluri, S. K. (2020). Ching-Ching Lin and M. Cristina Zaccarini (Eds.), New York, NY , USA:Peter Lang. , pages 131–146.