
Sheying Chen

Sheying Chen

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences

Sheying Chen

| Office Hours: 2:40pm-5:40pm


Personal Quote

Good governance will strive for dynamic balance in GPP (general public policy) against any extremism.

Faculty Bio

Dr. Sheying Chen is Professor of Public Administration (Social & Health Policy) and former Assoc. Provost for Academic Affairs at 91Ƶ.

Awards and Honors

  • Springer Nature, 2020, China New Development Award
  • The Royal Society of Arts (RSA), 2017, 2017, Fellowship
  • Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Evaluation Research Center CAU, 2017, Most Influential Scholar in Chinese Social Sciences
  • Center on Sino-American Relations, Tsinghua University, 2017, Senior Research Fellowship
  • Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute, 2016, Senior Visiting Scholarship
  • Tsinghua University, 2016, Senior Visiting Professor/Director for Social Work Study
  • Center for Social Work Education, Tsinghua University, 2016, Senior Advisor
  • China State Bureau of Foreign Experts, 2015, High-Level Expert
  • Marquis Who’s Who, 2015, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (Selected)
  • The journal of Illness, Crisis and Loss, 2015, Best Reviewer Award
  • Guangdong Research Center for Social Work and Social Development, 2015, Expert
  • China National Social Work Training Base at Guangdong University of Technology, 2015, Guest Professor
  • Guangdong Association for Social Work Education and Practice, 2015, Honorary Advisor
  • Hunan University, 2014, Guest Professor
  • 91Ƶ, 2012, Your Excellence Shows Award
  • Guangzhou University, 2011, Guest Professor
  • Chinese-American Association of Experts and Scholars in West Pacific Region, 2011, Honorary President
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2011, Guest Professor
  • Indiana University, 2010, Award of Excellence
  • CASE, 2010, Nominee for Best Practice Award
  • Hunan and Changde Associations for International Exchange, 2010, Overseas Honorary Academic Member
  • University of Hong Kong, 2009, Distinguished Alumnus Nominee
  • Central-South University Policy Research Center, 2009, Honorary Advisor
  • Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society, 2009, Honorary Member
  • National Dean’s List, 2009, Recognition Award
  • Indiana University, 2009, Award of Excellence
  • Central-South University, 2008, Guest Professor
  • University of Guam, 2006, Administrator of the Year Nominee
  • Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), 2004, Guam ACEI/FEGA Award
  • Educational Testing Service (ETS), 2002, Visiting Scholarship
  • Shanghai Normal University, 2000, Guest Professor
  • The Banner: CSI’s Official College Newspaper, 2000, Top Ten List of Coolest Faculty and Staff
  • City University of New York, 2000, Performance Excellence Award
  • City University of New York/CSI, 2000, Student Service Award
  • City University of New York/CSI, 1998, Feliks Gross Endowment Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement
  • INS, 1997, Outstanding Professor Permanent Residency
  • Guangdong Association of Social Sciences, 1989, Research Excellence Award


Certificate, Harvard University, Boston, 2008
Education Management & Leadership

PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, 1996
Public Policy & Social Research

MSW, University of California, Los Angeles, 1996
Social Welfare

MA, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 1988

College Diploma, Changsha Metallurgical College (Central-South University), China, 1980
Engineering Technology

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

General Public Policy (GPP) and Development Strategy, Social Policy, Health, Aging, Community Care, Socioeconomics, International and Area Studies (China & US); Public Administration, Organization and Management, Leadership Development, Professional Education, Diversity; Comparative Research Methodology, Qualitative-Quantitative Reasoning, Unidimensionalized Scaling.

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

Aging, Health, and Social Affairs Administration in China
Wei, L., Chen, Y., Chen, S. & Moreira, P. August 2021 - September 2023. HNU, Other. Funded.

Community Governance Research: The Case of Hengli Town in Dongguan City
Zhang, Q. & Chen, S. August 2018 - July 2020. Guangdong Association of Public Administration, Other. Funded.

Nanjing Jianye Community Study
Chen, Q. & Chen, S. December 2016 - December 2018. Municipal District, Local. Funded.

21st Century Scholars Programs
Chen, S. October 2006 - June 2011. Indiana State, State. Funded. Two program sites in Southern Indiana

Faculty Leadership Development Grant
Chen, S. October 2009 - February 2011. Indiana University, Other. Funded. President’s University Diversity Initiative

International Workshop on Diversity Leadership in the Academy
Chen, S. March 2010 - March 2010. Indiana University, Other. Funded. International Workshop Grant

Veteran Students Success
Chen, S. March 2009 - December 2009. Military Family Research Institute, Other. Funded. Supporting Academic Persistence and Success of Veteran Students

21st Century Scholars Award
Chen, S. February 2009 - December 2009. Community Foundation of Southern Indiana, Private. Funded. Scholars Character Camp

Increasing Disadvantaged Students Enrollment and Engagement
Chen, S. September 2007 - August 2008. SCCF, Private. Funded. Pipeline Programs

Mental Health Research
Chen, S. September 2007 - May 2008. Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Other. Funded. Research funding from PI at University of Montreal

Resources for Education and Learning
Chen, S. March 2006 - April 2007. DOE, Federal. Funded. PREL subcontract

Public Policy & Development Strategy: An International Comparative Study
Chen, S. May 1998 - April 2007. SADP, Private. Funded. Theoretical model building and empirical study of the economic state in transition

Remediation and Academic Progress Study
Chen, S. February 2000 - December 2000. PSC-CUNY, Other. Funded. A Longitudinal Study of Remediation Outcomes (Grant #62621)

Open Admissions: A Case Study of Remedial Education
Chen, S. February 1998 - December 1998. PSC-CUNY, Other. Funded. Research grant #669282

Courses Taught

Past Courses

PAA 601: Public Admin & its Environment
PAA 602: Organization Theory & Mgmt
PAA 603: Eco of Govt, Health, Nonprofit
PAA 604: Budgeting & Financial Analysis
PAA 606: Research Design for Admins.
PAA 606: Research Methods for PAA
PAA 611: Mgt/Organizational Development
PAA 614: Strategic Planning & Marketing
PAA 615: Program Planning & Evaluation
PAA 616: Prjct Dvlpmnt & Grant Writing
PAA 617: MGT Iss in Gerontoligic Svrcs
PAA 624: Environmental Science Policy
PAA 630: Intergovernmental Relations
PAA 632: Policy Studies
PAA 642: Regional Planning
PAA 644: Seminar in Gvrnmnt MGT Topics
PAA 650: The U.S. Health Care System
PAA 663: HC Quality Assurance/Risk Mgt
PAA 665: Seminar in Health Services Mgt
PAA 695: Internship-Non Profit
PAA 695: Intrnshp-HlthCre,Gvrnmnt,NnPrf
PAA 699: Capstone Project Seminar

Publications and Presentations


(More recent profile updates can be found at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sheying_Chen/research)
Chen, S.

International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice
Chen, S. & Powell, J.

International Perspectives on Aging
Powell, J. & Chen, S. (2043).

Interdisciplinary Research on Healthcare and Social Service: Chinese and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Chen, S. (2024). Interdisciplinary Research on Healthcare and Social Service: Chinese and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.Sheying Chen and Leidong Wei (Eds.), NYC & Global , Global : Springer Nature. , pages 234.

Social work and healthcare at the crossroads
Chen, S. (2024). S.Chen & L.Wei (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature Switzerland. , pages 1-20.

Mental health and therapeutic music: An interdisciplinary exploration
Chen, S., Zheng, L. & Chen, Y. (2024). S.Chen & L.Wei (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature Switzerland. , pages 221-232.

A key element of research on American population and society: Ethnic/race relations
Chen, S. & Chen, Y. Population and Society. (Issue 6)

Current job market trends for public administration
Chen, S. (2024).

Mental health policy
Chen, S. Chan, D., Ngok, K., Fong, F., & Lei, J. (Eds.), , U.K.:Edward Elgar Publishing.

From community service to community design
Chen, S. (2024). Tao CHEN (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature.

Innovations in gerontological social work
Chen, S. Wang, S., Liu, W., & Chan, T. (Eds.), Guangzhou :Sun Yat-sen University Press.

Social Work, Mental Health, and Public Policy in Diverse Contexts: Chinese and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Chen, S. (2023). Social Work, Mental Health, and Public Policy in Diverse Contexts: Chinese and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.Chen. Sheying (Eds.), NYC & Global , Global : Springer Nature. , pages 240.

Policy system, general public policy (GPP), and comparative social policy: A tale of the economic state vs. welfare state (and more)
Chen, S. (2023). S.Chen (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature. , pages 13-19.

Ethnicity and diversity: American experience and implications for social work
Chen, S., Chen, Y. & Xu, Y. (2023). S.Chen (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature. , pages 125-132.

Psychosomatic medicine, professional social work, and evidence-based clinical practice
Chen, S., Chen, E. Y. & Qin, Y. (2023). S.Chen (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature. , pages 101-113.

Biomedical education, health promotion, and social responsibility
Chen, S. (2023). S.Chen (Eds.), New York , Global:Springer Nature. , pages 115-122.

Social work, mental health, and public policy in China: A comparative-historical and theoretical-practical approach
Chen, S. (2023). S.Chen (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature. , pages 3-11.

A Chinese-American scholar's academic life at a glance: A featured interview
Chen, S. (2023).

Diversity and Chinese American leadership: A contextual and experiential approach to theories with reality checks
Chen, S. (2023). H.Yang & W. Xu (Eds.), New York & Global :Springer Nature Switzerland. , pages 23-38.

Ethics, Biomedical Education and Health Promotion
Chen, S. & Qin, Y. (2023). International Healthcare Review (online).

Social Policy and Aging Welfare: China, Northern Europe, and International Comparative Studies
Jing, T., Pan, Y., Chen, S., Kuhnle, S. & Hu, Y. (2022). Social Policy and Aging Welfare: China, Northern Europe, and International Comparative Studies.Wuhan , China : Huazhong University of Sci&Tech Press (in Chinese). , pages 390.

Predictors of family caregiving burden of persons with schizophrenia with and without transition of primary caregivers from 1994 to 2015 in rural China
Peng, M., Ma, Z., Chen, S., Luo, W., Hu, S., Yang, X., Liu, B., Chan, C. L. & Ran, M. (2022). BJPsych Open. Vol 8 (Issue 3)

International comparative lesson-drawing for advancing housing adaptation for the elderly in China
Zhou, W. & Chen, S. (2022). Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University (CSSCI). Vol 36 (Issue 2) , pages 125-136.

Factors affecting social work development in urban China: The case of Nanshan District in Shenzhen City
Chen, S. & Tang, M. (2022). Population and Society. (Issue 6) , pages 5-17.

Social policy and solution of social problems
Chen, S. (2021). Leadership Collection. Vol 512 (Issue 11a) , pages 7-22.

Psychosomatic Medicine and Evidence-Based Surgery: Reflections and Perspectives
Chen, S. & Chen, E. Y. (2021). Psychosomatic Medicine Research. Vol 3 (Issue 3) , pages 53-62.

Epidemic control and social governance viewed via a “Problem-GPP-ism” triple prism
Chen, S. (2020).

On China's "well-off society" and common prosperity
Chen, S. (2020). Leadership Collection. Vol 487 (Issue 10b) , pages 1-9.

Reconstruction of Professional Social Work in China
Chen, S. (2020). Social Work. Vol 290 (Issue 5) , pages 83-91.

Seventy years of China’s population and social policy: "Problems", "-isms", and "GPP"
Chen, S. (2020). Journal of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics (CSSCI). (Issue 2) , pages 5-15.

Theories of Aging
Powell, J. & Chen, S. (2020). Theories of Aging.Hauppauge, NY : Nova Science Publishers.

The Chinese “Jia”
Chen, S. (2020). Sun, G.F. (Eds.), Beijing :Chinese Commerce Press.

Chinese Top Expert's Urgent Call: Stop Gap in New York's Disease Prevention and Cut off Source of Infection
Chen, S. & Wang, R. (2020). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340428771_Chinese_Top_Expert's_Urgent_Call_Stop_Gap_in_New_York's_Disease_Prevention_and_Cut_off_Source_of_Infection_Translation_of_GongHuan_YANG_Strengthen_the_Work_Reduce_the_Burden_-_How_to_Effectively_Stop_

Social work leadership and COVID-19
Chen, S. (2020). Sino-American Social Work Coop (e-Publication).

COVID-19 viewed from NYC
Chen, S. (2020). Southern Governance Review.

Social work, COVID-19, and socioeconomic development: Wishful interpretation or comprehensive understanding?
Chen, S. (2020). Social Work Readings (eJournal).

Service and participation are the essence of community governance
Chen, S. (2020).

Healthy society, social work, and balanced development: A GPP research perspective
Chen, S. (2020). Sino-American Social Work Coop (e-Publication).

Reflection on the Outbreak of COVID-19: A Social Work Perspective
Chen, S. (2020). Social Work Encyclopedia (eJournal).

COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities of 2020
Chen, S. (2020). Exploration and Free Views (Special Online Edition #34). (Issue 34)

Chen, S. (2019).

"Chinese Social Work 2.0" and Its Historical and International Significance
Chen, S. (2019). Contemporary Social Science. (Issue 6)

“Aging in Community”: Historical and Comparative Study of Aging Welfare and Social Policy
Chen, S. & Powell, J. L. (2019). Springer International Publishing. , pages 55-69.

Aging Welfare and Social Policy
Jing, T., Kuhnle, S., Pan, Y. & Chen, S. (2019). Aging Welfare and Social Policy.Jing, T., Kuhnle, S., Pan, Y., & Chen, S. (Eds.), , Global : Springer Nature.

Qualitative methods and aging research in China
Chen, S. (2019). Population and Society. (Issue 5)

On leadership of social work
Chen, S. (2019). Social Work. (Issue 5) , pages 3-11.

Expert interview: Community governance, social work, and resolution of social contradiction
Chen, S. (2019). Leaders Digest. Vol 463 (Issue 10b) , pages 1-9.

Pathways to community governance in Jianye, Nanjing
Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Chen, S., Li, Z. & Xu, W. (2019). Social Governance. (Issue 4)

Seventy years of Chinese social policy: GPP research in international perspective
Chen, S. Social Policy Research. Vol 1 (Issue 1)

Social policy and aging in community
Chen, S. (2019). Jing, T., Kuhnle, S., Pan, Y., & Chen, S. (Eds.), Springer.

Forty years of scholastic pursuit and the GPP theory
Chen, S. Beijing :Shanlian Publishers.

“Bring Things Back to Order” vs. “Reform and Open-Up”: A theoretical account of general public policy (GPP) and “One Man’s 40 Years”
Chen, S. (2018). Leadership Science Forum: National Governance Review. (Issue 11) , pages 5-14.

“Chinese Social Work 2.0” in historical and comparative perspectives
Chen, S. (2018). Social Construction.

Measurement and Analysis in Psychosocial Research: Modified Validity (MV), Unidimensionalization, and Measurement Effectiveness (ME)
Chen, S. (2018). Changsha , China:Central-South University School of Public Management..

Social work and the transformation of China’s main social contradiction
Chen, S. (2018). Leaders Digest. (Issue 9)

The mission of Chinese social work: International and historical perspectives
Chen, S. (2018). Society and Public Welfare (Tsinghua Social Work Review). Vol 95 (Issue 8) , pages 58-63.

Social governance innovation and globalization: Social organization, community building, and social work
Chen, S. (2018). Society and Public Welfare (Tsinghua Social Work Review). Vol 94 (Issue 7) , pages 50-55.

Building shared happy neighborhood: Community governance in Jianye District of Nanjing
Chen, Q., Li, Z. & Chen, S. (2018). Society and Public Welfare (Tsinghua Social Work Review). Vol 91 (Issue 4) , pages 68-73 .

New thinking in developing social welfare for ethnic Chinese: A Cross-Strait Perspective on "Chinese Social Work 2.0"
Chen, S. (2018). Society and Public Welfare (Tsinghua Social Work Review). Vol 91 (Issue 4) , pages 62-67.

General public policy, socialism, and social problems: Social equity, public economics, and social science research in the post-economic state era
Chen, S. & Cai, X. (2018). Society & Public Welfare. Vol 90 (Issue 3) , pages 64-71.

Research on urban economic transformation: “State of the art” and future direction
Li, Z. & Chen, S. (2018). Reformation and Strategy.

Clinical sociology theory and methods: Social rehabilitation of mental illness and implications for aging research
Chen, S. & Sevigny, R. (2018). Nanjing Social Sciences (CSSCI). (Issue 1) , pages 52-61.

The Context of Social Policy Reform in China: Theoretical, Comparative and Historical Perspectives
Chen, S. (2017). Finer, C.J. (Eds.), London :Routledge. , pages 23-36.

Review of research and views on important issues
Chen, S. (2017). Guangzhou Public Administration Review.

Social equity and economic study
Chen, S. & Cai, X. (2017). Theory and Reform. (Issue 5) , pages 181-188.

Aging in Chinese Community
Chen, S. (2017). (Issue 2)

A study of the factors affecting views of elderly support responsibility based on logistic regression of CSSOD2010 Data
He, L., Yang, L. & Chen, S. (2017). Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University (Social Sciences).

Economic reform and social change in China: Past, present, and future of the economic state
Chen, S. (2017). Dillon, Michael (Eds.), Leiden , The Netherlands:BRILL. , pages 152-174.

Community study, community care for the elderly, and social policy
Chen, S. (2017). Population and Society. Vol 33 (Issue 2) , pages 3-12.

Population Aging and Social Policy
Chen, S. (2017). (Issue (forthcoming))

Research issues and perspectives for advancing Chinese social work
Chen, S. (2016). Guangzhou Social Work Review. Vol 5 (Issue 2)

A new model of Social Support in Bereavement (SSB): An empirical investigation with a Chinese sample
Li, J. & Chen, S. (2016). Death Studies. Vol 40 (Issue 4) , pages 223-228.

International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice
Chen, S. & Powell, J. L. (2016).

International Perspectives on Aging
Powell, J. L. & Chen, S. (2016).

The Third Sector and the Global Economic Recession
Powell, J. L. & Chen, S. (2016). Vol 36 (Issue 7/8) , pages 435-566.

Preface: Chinese social work in historical perspective
Chen, S. (2016). Liu, Jinglin (Eds.), Beijing :Chinese Society Press.

Community elite: Conception, classification, and path to grow
Wang, X. & Chen, S. (2016). Journal of Foshan University (Social Science). (Issue 4) , pages 9.

Metropolitan governance research
Chen, S. (2016). Chen, Jianlin & Yang, Zuding (Eds.), Beijing :China Social Sciences Press.

Preface: Urbanization and metropolitan governance research
Chen, S. (2016). Tan Chen (Eds.), Beijing :China Social Sciences Press.

The study of metropolitan governance in 21st century China
Chen, S. (2016). Population and Society. Vol 32 (Issue 2) , pages 13-22.

Policy effectiveness and elderly satisfaction of home care service: A study in Tianjin
He, L., Chen, S. & Meng, Z. (2016). Population and Society. Vol 32 (Issue 2) , pages 39-47.

A case study of personal experience of schizophrenia patients
Sévigny, R. & Chen, S. Robert Sévigny (Eds.), Montreal, Quebec , Canada:University of Montreal.

Explanatory models of illness and clinical sociology
Sévigny, R. & Chen, S. Montreal , Canada:University of Montreal.

Social policy and aging in community: International and historical perspectives
Chen, S. (2015). Reformation and Strategy. Vol 31 (Issue 2) , pages 157-167.

Social Support, Stress, and Disease
Chen, S. (2015). Vol 23 (Issue 1)

Factors related to suicidal ideation among college students in Guam
Ran, M., Chen, S., Salomon, M. I., Cruz, T., Bamba-Ada, M., De Jesus, L., Howell, D., Rodriguez, P., Usalla, A., Valencia, K., Pan, J. & Chan, C. L. (2015). Illness, Crisis & Loss. Vol 23 (Issue 1) , pages 21-32.

Gender, ethnicity, labor, and the environment as social issues and public policy challenges
Chen, S. & Hao, Z. (2014). Hao, Z., & Chen, S. (Eds.), New York, NY :Springer Nature. , pages 1-20.

Social Theory and Aging in a Globalized World
Powell, J. L. & Chen, S. (2014). Vol 39 (Issue 2) , pages pp. 139-269.

Clinical sociology and a heuristic analytical grid: Implications for psychiatric rehabilitation research
Sévigny, R. & Chen, S. (2014). Canadian Journal of Sociology. Vol 1 (Issue 39) , pages 181-210.

Social problems and post-economic state: Opportunities and challenges to Chinese general public policy
Chen, S. (2013). Reformation and Strategy. Vol 29 (Issue 8) , pages 1-10.

Mission, opportunity, and the role of social work: International and historical perspectives
Chen, S. (2013). Sun Yat-sen University School of Sociology & Anthropology (Eds.), Beijing , China:Social Sciences Press.

Social Support and Health: Theory, Research, and Practice with Diverse Populations
Chen, S. (2013). Social Support and Health: Theory, Research, and Practice with Diverse Populations.Hauppauge, NY , USA : Nova Science Publishers. , pages 254 pages.

Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment
Hao, Z. & Chen, S. (2013). Social Issues in China: Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment.New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht , Global : Springer. , pages 332 pages.

Historical, comparative, and theoretical perspectives on social problems of the post-economic state
Chen, S. (2013).

Introduction: Social Policy of the Changing Economic State
Chen, S. (2012). Chen, S., & Powell, J. (Eds.), New York, NY , Global:Springer Nature. , pages 1-10.

Social policy of the changing economic state
Chen, S. (2012). New York :Springer.

Globalization and global welfare: A critical excursion
Powell, J. & Chen, S. (2012). Fast Capitalism. Vol 9 (Issue 1)

Chinese and international social work
Chen, S. (2012).

Aging in China: Implications to Social Policy of a Changing Economic State
Chen, S. & Powell, J. L. (2012). Aging in China: Implications to Social Policy of a Changing Economic State.New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht , Global : Springer. , pages 284 pages.

The Global Dynamics of Aging
Powell, J. L. & Chen, S. (2012). The Global Dynamics of Aging.Hauppauge, NY , USA : Nova Science Publishers. , pages 198 pages.

Aging in Community
Chen, S. (2012). Vol 37 (Issue 1) , pages 119 pages.

Historical and global perspectives on social policy and “aging in community”
Chen, S. (2012). Ageing International. Vol 37 (Issue 1) , pages 1-15.

Aging, Living Arrangements, and Housing in China
Li, B. & Chen, S. (2011). Ageing International. Vol 36 (Issue 4) , pages 463-474.

Understanding race and ethnicity
Chen, S. & Brackett, G. L. (2011). Hauppauge, NY :Nova Science Publishers.

Market economy and inequality: International and historical perspectives on justice and governance
Chen, S. & Powell, J. L. (2011). Reformation and Strategy [One of the “most internationally influential journals” of 2013]. (Issue 11) , pages 1-7.

Risk factors for poor work functioning of persons with schizophrenia in rural China
Ran, M., Chen, S., Chen, E. Y., Ran, B., Tang, C., Lin, F., Li, L., Li, S., Mao, W. & Hu, S. (2011). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Vol 46 (Issue 11) , pages 1087-1093.

Diversity Management: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches
Chen, S. (2011). Diversity Management: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches.Hauppauge, NY , USA : Nova Science Publishers. , pages 210 pages.

Higher learning through community service: A Sino-American perspective
Chen, S. (2011).

Academic Excellence & Leadership Development
Chen, S. (2011).

Aging and China in the 21st century
Chen, S. (2011). Population and Development [Top Chinese journal in the field]. Vol 17 (Issue 2) , pages 20-32.

A study of residential condition and satisfaction of the elderly in China
Li, B. & Chen, S. (2011). Journal of Housing for the Elderly. Vol 25 (Issue 1) , pages 72-88.

Aging and housing: China’s two major challenges
Chen, S. (2011).

Qualitative research and aging in context: Implications to social policy study in China
Chen, S. (2010). Qualitative Sociology Review. Vol VI (Issue 1) , pages 34-47.

Aging in Perspective and the Case of China: Issues and Approaches
Chen, S. & Powell, J. L. (2010). Aging in Perspective and the Case of China: Issues and Approaches.Hauppauge, NY , USA : Nova Science Publishers. , pages 280 pages.

Diversity Leadership in the Academy e-Publication
Chen, S. (2010).

Active aging and China: Perspectives and issues
Chen, S. (2009). Powell, Jason & Cook, Ian (Eds.), Hauppauge, NY :Nova Science Publishers.

NGOs and innovative policy research
Chen, S. (2009). South China Today: Theoretical Innovation. (Issue 1) , pages 1-6.

Aging with Chinese characteristics: A public policy perspective
Chen, S. (2009). Ageing International. Vol 34 (Issue 3) , pages 172-190 .

Academic Administration: A Quest for Better Management and Leadership
Chen, S. (2009). Academic Administration: A Quest for Better Management and Leadership.Hauppauge, NY , USA : Nova Science Publishers. , pages 313 pages.

Personal experience of schizophrenia and the role of Danwei: A case study in 1990s’ Beijing
Sévigny, R., Chen, S. & Chen, E. Y. (2009). Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry: An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research. Vol 33 (Issue 1) , pages 86-111.

General public policy and development strategy: A study of China in an international perspective
Chen, S. (2008). Reformation and Strategy. (Issue 6) , pages 1-9.

Aging and health in the new century: Challenges to research and practice
Chen, S. (2007). Cook, Ian & Powell, Jason (Eds.), Hauppauge, NY :Nova Science Publishers.

Research Methods: Step by Step
Chen, S. (2005). Research Methods: Step by Step.Dubuque, IA : Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

Community college and community work in urban China: The case of LuWan in Shanghai
Chen, S. (2004). Shanghai Normal University Press.

Public Policy and Development Strategy: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Perspectives
Chen, S. (2004). Public Policy and Development Strategy: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Perspectives.Dubuque, IA : Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

Asian Americans and mental health services: A study of utilization patterns in the 1990s
Chen, S. & Lu, E. Y. (2003). Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. (Issue 12(2)) , pages 19-42.

Special economic zones and globalization of Chinese cities: The case of Shenzhen
Chen, S. (2003). American Journal of Chinese Studies. (Issue 10(1)) , pages 1-19.

Asian Americans and Mental Health Services
Chen, S., Sullivan, N. Y., Lu, Y. E. & Shibusawa, T. (2003). Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Vol 12 (Issue 2) , pages 19-42.

Economic reform and social change in China: Past, present, and future of the economic state
Chen, S. (2002). International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. Vol 15 (Issue 4) , pages 569-589.

Plitiques publiques et strategie de developpement: L’Estat chinois en perspective
Chen, S. (2002). Perspectives Chinoises. (Issue 77) , pages 66-75.

Social problems of the economic state: Historical roots and future directions
Chen, S. (2002). China Report. (Issue 38(2)) , pages 193-214.

Economic reform and social change in China: Past, present, and future of the economic state
Chen, S. (2002). International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. (Issue 15(4)) , pages 569-589.

American Revolution in Mental Health Care Delivery
Lu, Y. E., Miller, M. H. & Chen, S. (2002). Journal of Teaching in Social Work. Vol 22 (Issue 1-2) , pages 167-182.

State socialism and the welfare state: A critique of two conventional paradigms
Chen, S. (2002). International Journal of Social Welfare. (Issue 11) , pages 228-242.

Cultural competency and achieving styles in clinical social work: A conceptual and empirical exploration
Chen, S., Lu, E. Y. & Lum, D. (2001). Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. (Issue 9(3/4)) , pages 1-32.

Cultural Competency and Achieving Styles in Clinical Social Work
Lu, Y. E., Lum, D. & Chen, S. (2001). Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Vol 9 (Issue 3-4) , pages 1-32.

Remedial Education: A Case Study Approach to a Critical Issue in American Higher Education
Chen, S. & Cheng, D. X. (1999).

Variables associated with faculty grading
Chen, S. & Cheng, D. X. (1999).

Social Policy of the Economic State and Community Care in Chinese Culture
Chen, S. (1998). Social Policy of the Economic State and Community Care in Chinese Culture.Brookfield, VT , USA & UK : Ashgate. , pages 351 pages.

Mastering Research: A Guide to the Methods of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Chen, S. (1998). Mastering Research: A Guide to the Methods of Social and Behavioral Sciences.Chicago : Nelson-Hall Publishers. , pages 256 pages.

Measurement and Analysis in Psychosocial Research: The Failing and Saving of Theory
Chen, S. (1997). Measurement and Analysis in Psychosocial Research: The Failing and Saving of Theory.Brookfield, VT , USA & UK : Ashgate. , pages 334 pages.

The Medical Student Expectation Scale (MSES): A device for measuring students’ expectations of each others’ values and behaviors
Singleton, A. F. & Chen, S. (1996). Medical Education. (Issue 30) , pages 187-194.

English/Spanish Survey of the Work Pays Demonstration Project (WPDP): An Interim Report
Chen, S., Becerra, R. & Furman, W. (1996).

Social Policy of the Economic State and Community Care in Chinese Culture
Chen, S. (1996). Social Policy of the Economic State and Community Care in Chinese Culture.Brookfield, VT , USA & UK : Ashgate. , pages 351 pages.

Impoverished Women at Risk for AIDS: Social Support Variables
Nyamathi, A., Flaskerud, J., Leake, B. & Chen, S. (1996). Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. Vol 34 (Issue 11) , pages 31-39.

Social Support among Impoverished Women
Nyamathi, A., Bennett, C., Leake, B. & Chen, S. (1995). Nursing Research. Vol 44 (Issue 6) , pages 376-378.

On social policy research
Chen, S. (1992). The Society (Journal of Sociology). (Issue 7)

Social Problems and Social Policy in Hong Kong
Chen, S. (1992).

Social Work
Chen, S., Wu, Z. & Li, A. (1992). Social Work.Beijing : Chinese Society Press.

Community planning, community development, community participation
Chen, S. (1991).

On a social security system fitting in with Guangdong’s economy
Chen, S. (1990).

Rural Social Security in Shenzhen: A Research Report
Chen, S. (1989).

On the strategy of developing China’s social security systems
Chen, S. (1988). Social Security Post.

Community Service Public Lecture Series
Chen, S. (1988). China Civil Affairs Administration. (Issue 1-4&6 (5 issues))


International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Public Administration Education and Research
Chen, S. (2024). Building a Flexible Public Service through Innovation and Collaboration. Northeast Conference on Public Administration (NECoPA),

A talk with high school students about college education
Chen, S. (2024). Academic Workshop. Henan Normal University Experimental Schools,

Developmental experience of MPA education in the United States
Chen, S. (2024). Convocation & Open Lecture. Guangzhou University,

A systems approach to public policy research in comparative-historical perspective
Chen, S. (2024). Workshop on Public Policy. Guangzhou University School of Public Administration,

How to become a scholar: Social work practice and research - From methodological understanding to writing for publication
Chen, S. (2024). Innovative Social Work Lecture Series. City University of Macau,

Clinical practice and research
Chen, S. (2024). International Lecture Series in Social Work Education. Henan Normal University,

Forty years of aging undertaking: The world and China
Chen, S. (2024). National Community of Industry-Education Integration for Smart Healthy Aging. National Consortium on Smart Healthy Aging,

Trending social governance and social work in China
Chen, S. (2023). Workshop on Social Governance Research. Tsinghua University Institute for Social Governance and Development,

General Public Policy (GPP) and Its Implications to Social Policy Research
Chen, S. (2022). Advanced Seminar on Social Policy Research. HNU,

Scientific Research and Academic Theses: Mastering Methods and Understanding Publications
Chen, S. (2022). Workshop on Scholarship. Academic Media,

From professional cancellation to becoming "first level discipline": GPP change and leadership of social work in the new era
Chen, S. (2022). Symposium on Social Work Becoming "First Level Discipline” in China. Tsinghua SW Review Editorial and Author Groups,

Theory, Methods, and International Perspectives on Social Policy Research
Chen, S. (2021). Advanced Seminar on Social Affairs. HNU,

Can China’s Generation Z be called Generation Nationalists?
Chen, S., Guthrie, D., Teng, J. & Chen, X. (2021). CHINA PLUS. China Radio International,

Discussion on Social Work and Public Health
Chen, S. (2021). Annual Conference. Guangdong Association on Social Work Education and Practice,

Love and Hate amid the Pandemic
Chen, S. (2020). COVID-19 Webinar Series 2020. NYU-PEARL,

Advances in social and educational research
Chen, S. (2016). Workshop on Social and Educational Research Methods. Yuhua Center for Educational Research,

Advanced Topics in Social Science Research Methods
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Research Methods for Public Administrators. Guangzhou University,

Substance Abuse in the United States: Lessons for Prevention and Treatment
Chen, S. (2015). China Social Work Pearl River Symposium. Guangdong University of Technology,

Contextualizing Psychiatric Social Work in China: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
Chen, S. (2015). Global Mental Health Symposium. NYU,

Sino-American Comparison of Social Welfare and Reform
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Social Security Research. HuaDu Labor and Social Security Administration,

Sino-American Comparative Study of Community Work and Welfare
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Community Work and Welfare. Guangdong Association for Social Work Education and Practice,

Community Governance and Social Work: A Case Study in Comparative Perspective
Chen, S. (2015). Forum on Social Work and Social Governance Innovation (Excellent Forum Award). Chinese Sociological Association,

Aging in China and Social Policy of the Post-Economic State
Chen, S. (2015). International Symposium on Ageing Welfare and Social Policy. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences & Sino-Nordic Welfare Research Network,

Social Policy Research in the Post-Economic State Era
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Social Policy Research. Tianjin University (China's first modern university),

Chinese Social Security and Welfare Reform in a Comparative Perspective
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Public Policy. Guangzhou University,

Chinese Social Work in Historical and Sino-American Perspectives
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on Social Work in China. China Ministry of Civil Affairs Administration & Guangdong University of Technology,

Social Security and Welfare: Learning from American Experience
Chen, S. (2015). Seminar on American Social Welfare. HuaDu Labor and Social Security Administration,

Issues in Public Administration Research
Chen, S. (2015). Lecture on Public Administration Research. Guangzhou University,

GPP and Comparative Policy Analysis
Chen, S. (2015). Public Policy Research Seminar. Guangzhou University,

A Sino-Western Analysis of Social Security and Welfare Reform
Chen, S. (2015). International Social Security and Welfare Workshop. Hunan Human Resources and Social Security Administration,

Aging, Community Service, and Social Policy of Welfare and Economic States
Chen, S. (2014). Social Work Seminar. East China University of Science and Technology,

Aging in Community in the Post-Economic State Era
Chen, S. (2014). Public Policy Workshop. China University of Mining and Technology,

Community Health and Aging in the Post-Economic State Era
Chen, S. (2014). International Conference on Community Organization and Population Health. Queen's University (Canada) & Guangzhou University,

General Public Policy and Environmental Governance in China
Chen, S. (2014). International Conference on Environmental Governance. EU-China Project & Zhejiang University,

Social Policy of the Post-Economic State: Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical Perspectives
Chen, S. (2014). Social Policy Research Forum. Peking University ("China's Harvard"),

Social Needs and the Post-Economic State
Chen, S. (2014). Public Administration Research Forum. Hunan University,

Social Work in the Post-Economic State Era
Chen, S. (2014). Social Work Research Forum. Sun Yat-sen University,

Higher Education Administration in a Sino-American Context
Chen, S. (2014). Higher Education Forum. Sias International University,

Public Policy and Social Work in the Post-Economic Era
Chen, S. (2013). South China Forum on Public Policy. Guangzhou University,

Education for the Aging in International Perspective
Chen, S. (2013). China Annual Conference on International Education Exchange. China Education Association for International Exchange,

Leadership Development in China: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
Chen, S. (2012). International Symposium on Leadership Research and Development. Shanghai Administrative Institute,

Chinese Social Work in an International Perspective
Chen, S. (2011). Qianhe Forum Distinguished Lecture. Qianhe Foundation & Sun Yat-sen University,

Aging and Public Policy
Chen, S. (2011). South China Forum on Public Policy. Guangzhou University,

Organization Management and Leadership Development
Chen, S. (2011). Executive Seminar on Management and Leadership. Shanghai Jiaotong University,

A Sino-American Perspective on Higher Education Administration
Chen, S. (2011). Sino-US Exchange and Study in China Forum. Sino-US Exchange Service & Columbia University,

Promoting Scientific Research for Social Justice
Chen, S. (2011). Left Forum. CUNY & 91Ƶ,

Professional Contributions and Service

Department Service

  • Faculty Evaluation and Recommendation [Committee Member]
  • Academic Standing [Committee Member]
  • Faculty Search [Committee Member]
  • Faculty Mentoring [Faculty Mentor]
  • International Student Advisement [Faculty Mentor]
  • Student Recruitment [Attendee, Meeting]
  • Program Review and Accreditation [Attendee, Meeting]
  • Course Renovation [Other]
  • Teamwork on Grants Writing and Research [Attendee, Meeting]
  • Dept. Chair Search [Committee Member]
  • Dept. Services Provision [Committee Chair]

College Service

  • TAP Committee [Committee Member]
  • Faculty Awards Nomination [Other]
  • Student Recommendation [Student Placement]
  • NASPAA Accreditation [Committee Member]
  • Learning Outcomes Assessment [Faculty Advisor]
  • International Outreach [Faculty Advisor]
  • 91Ƶ Online [Committee Member]
  • NYC Campus MPA program planning & preparation [Committee Member]
  • Student Recruitment [Committee Member]
  • CSI College Association [Committee Member]

University Service

  • Curriculum Renovation and Course Improvement [Committee Member]
  • Student Recruitment and Advisement [Faculty Advisor]
  • International Education Week [Guest Speaker]
  • Best Practices in Online Education Conference [Session Chair]
  • Book Talk: Diversity Management [Guest Speaker]
  • Grants Workshop [Guest Speaker]
  • Academic Excellence & Leadership Development/The Scholars [Task Force Chair]
  • Conferences on High Impact and Best Practices in Higher Education [Committee Member]
  • Faculty Institute Workshops [Workshop Organizer]
  • Institute for Academic & Professional Leadership [Proposer]
  • University Reputation and Ranking [Special Institutional Assignment]
  • Faculty Orientation [Faculty Mentor]
  • Hybrid and Online Learning [Committee Chair]
  • Alternative Delivery [Task Force Chair]
  • Middle States Accreditation [Special Institutional Assignment]
  • Non-Tenure Track Full-Time Faculty Appointment [Special Institutional Assignment]
  • Minority Student Success [Task Force Chair]
  • Diversity Leadership in the Academy [Institutional e-Publication]
  • Student Research Conference [Faculty Advisor]
  • Addison Locke Roache Memorial Lectureship Fund [Committee Member]
  • Teaching and Learning Awards [Committee Chair]
  • IU Southeast Diversity Town Hall Meetings [Committee Chair]
  • Student Research Awards [Faculty Advisor]
  • Student Essay Contests [Committee Member]
  • College Association Board of Directors [Faculty Advisor]
  • Research Award Program [Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal]

Professional Service

The China Journal [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Zijingshan Social Work Forum [Editor, Senior Editor]
Archives of Current Research International (Social Policy and Administration) [Editor, Journal Editor]
Book Series on Metropolitan Governance [Editorial Review Board Member]
Hunan University [Guest Professor]
Global Journal of Quantitative Science [Editorial Review Board Member]
Advances in Sociology [Editorial Review Board Member]
Book Series on International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice [Editor, Senior Editor]
Guangzhou Public Administration Review [Editorial Review Board Member]
Advances in Applied Sociology [Editorial Review Board Member]
Human Development Economics [Editorial Review Board Member]
Advances in Aging Research [Editorial Review Board Member]
Guangzhou University [Guest Professor]
Shanghai Jiaotong University [Guest Professor]
Book Series on Social Perspectives on Aging [Editor, Senior Editor]
Book Series on International Aging [Editor, Senior Editor]
Pearson Education [Reviewer, Book]
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) [Reviewer, Grant Proposal]
Central-South University [Guest Professor]
Cambridge University Press [Reviewer, Book]
Oxford University Press [Reviewer, Book]
Shanghai Normal University [Guest Professor]
Prentice-Hall [Reviewer, Book]
Chinese Studies [Editor, Senior Editor]
Journal of Social Service Research [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Social Policy and Society [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Routledge/Taylor & Francis [Reviewer, Book]
Cole/Wadsworth/ITP [Reviewer, Book]
Allyn & Bacon/Longman [Reviewer, Book]
Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Social Problems [Reviewer, Journal Article]
Roxbury Publishing [Reviewer, Book]

Public Service

  • Institute for Social Work and Social Development Expert Think Tank [Faculty Advisor]
  • Guangdong Association for Social Work Education and Practice [Faculty Advisor]
  • Pacific Education, Advocacy, Research and Learning Institute [Faculty Advisor]
  • University Grants Committee (UGC) of Hong Kong Government [Grant Proposal Reviewer, External]
  • International Association of Chinese Social Workers [Faculty Advisor]
  • Higher Learning Commission [Task Force Member]
  • Hunan and Changde Associations for International Exchange [Board Member]
  • Washington University in St. Louis, Tsinghua University & Peking University [Workshop Organizer]
  • Chinese-American Association of Experts and Scholars in Western Pacific [Officer, President/Elect/Past]
  • Central-South Policy Research Center [Board Member]
  • Ministry of Civil Affairs Administration Training Base/Guangdong University of Technology [Guest Speaker]
  • International Conferences on SocioCultural Relationship and Education Pedagogy Learning Sciences [Committee Member]
  • Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society [Faculty Advisor]
  • International Healthy and Active Aging Conference (HAAC) [Committee Member]
  • International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science [Committee Member]
  • International Social Work Conference on Children and Youth [Committee Member]
  • U.S. Professors of the Year [Faculty Advisor]
  • Four Panels at Left Forum [Workshop Organizer]
  • CASE [Faculty Advisor]
  • Best and High Impact Practices in Higher Education/Teaching and Learning [Committee Member]
  • Center for Cultural Resources [Committee Chair]
  • Indiana Academic Advising Conference [Co-Sponsor]
  • Association for Gerontology in Higher Education [Task Force Member]
  • Indiana College Success Coalition Area Conference [Co-Sponsor]
  • Pacific Islands Bilingual Conference [Committee Member]
  • Guam Chinese Association [Board Member]
  • Guam Association for International Cultural Exchange [Board Member]
  • NASW Guam Chapter Annual Conference [Committee Member]
  • International Conference on Comparative Education [Committee Member]
  • Government of Guam [Task Force Member]
  • International Forum on Accounting and Business Education [Committee Member]
  • Educational Testing Service (ETS) [Faculty Advisor]
  • Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting [Committee Member]
  • Overseas Chinese Institute for Aging [Board Member]
  • HUD [Grant Proposal Reviewer, External]
  • CSWE [Member]
  • Chinese American Educational Research & Development Association [Committee Member]
  • CSWE [Task Force Member]
  • Guangdong Association of Civil Affairs Administration [Board Member]

Related News and Stories

In the Media

Dyson Professor Sheying Chen speaks with WalletHub about medical payments coverage.

In the Media

91Ƶ's Professor Sheying Chen was featured in WalletHub's recent article about Best States to Retire.

In the Media

In China, “people get angry,” said Sheying Chen, a professor of public administration and social policy at 91Ƶ in New York. “They say, ‘I worked full time and made it to retirement age; you want me to work more?’”