Shobana Musti
Department Chairperson
Awards and Honors
- Council for Learning Disabilities, 2015, Must Read Award
- College of Education, The Ohio State University, 2004, Recipient of the Cooper/ Siedentop Scholarship
- College of Education, The Ohio State University, 2003, Charles Birkenshaw Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship
- The Ohio State University, 2003, Recipient of Thomas and Evelyn Stephens Scholarship in Special Education
- College of Education, The Ohio State University, 2002, Charles Birkenshaw Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship
- Spastics Society of India, 1998, Overall Proficiency for the class
- the Spastics Society of India, 1998, Proficiency in Teaching
Licensures and Certificates
- State of Ohio, Certificate to teach in Non-Tax Supported Schools
- State of Ohio, Long-term Substitute License
- State of Ohio, Intervention Specialist – Mild/ Moderate Disabilities License Number: OH1-28-6057
PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 2005
Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis
MA, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, Champaign, 2000
Special Education
Post Graduate Diploma, The Spastics Society of India, Chennai, 1998
Special Education
BS, Stella Maris College, Chennai, 1997
Research and Creative Works
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
My Brother's Keeper Teacher Opportunity Corps II
Wiggins, T. G. & Musti, S. September 2021. State. Funded. The Teachers of Color-Empowerment Network, funded by MBK-TOC II, aims to recruit, retain, coach and mentor candidates from historically underrepresented communities for entry into the teaching profession. The program also hopes to sustain participants in the field by providing additional support during the first year of teaching.
Summer Thinkfinity Grant/Studying the Effects of Supplemental Math Instruction Delivered via the iPad on Third-grade Students' Computation and Problem-Solving Skills
Musti, S. & Lynch, T. Pforzheimer Center for Faculty Development, 91ÊÓƵ. Funded.
Dean's Research Grant/Using Mobile Technology and Education App to Increase Reading Performance and Active Engagement Time in Elementary-Aged Students
Musti, S. 91ÊÓƵ. Funded.
Office of Educational Research Grant/Teachers as Researchers: Using Evidence-Based Practice in the Singapore Classroom
Musti, S., Tan, C., Khaw, J. & Brij, R. S. . Funded.
College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Graduate Student Faculty Mentoring Research Grant/The effects of peer tutoring on reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension
Musti, S., Hawkins, R. & Barkley, E. University of Cincinnati. Funded.
College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Graduate Student Faculty Mentoring Research Grant/The effects of peer tutoring on reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension/Improving Pedagogy in Higher Education: Incorporating Principles of Effective Instruction at the Postsecondary Level
Musti, S. & Kroeger, S. University of Cincinnati. Funded.
Ohio Integrated Systems Model: SWO-SERRC Grant
Musti, S. & Bauer, A. . Funded. Co-coordinate with Barnett, Hawkins, and Kroeger on Outcome 5: A teacher work sample demonstrating RTI
Courses Taught
Past Courses
ED 672: Dffrntng Crrclm & Instrctn
ED 672: Dffrntng Crrclm and Instrctn
ED 672: Dffrntng Instrctn Scdry Sttngs
ED 674: Clssrm Cmmnty & Mngmnt
ED 675: Students with Severe Dsblty
ED 677: Ltrcy for Chldrn w/ Spcl Needs
ED 679: Practicum in Special Education
ED 684: Clssrm Mgnt in Inclsve Settngs
ED 684: Clssrm Mgt in Inclsve Settings
ED 687: Classroom Mgmt & Collaboration
ED 690: Teacher as Researcher
ED 691: Stdnt Tchng Chld Spcl Ed Clsrm
ED 692: Stdnt Tchng Adlscnt Spcl Ed
EDG 607: Supporting Positive Behavior
EDG 607: Supporting Positive Behavior &
EDG 618: Individual Program Planning
EDG 622: Clinical Practice in Teaching
EDG 626: Ltrcy Mthds for Dvrs Pop (K-6)
HON 499: Snr Smnr in Rsrch Mthds
TCH 201: Edctn I: Understanding Schools
TCH 211: DASA Workshop
TCH 301: Edu II: Undrstndng Lrng & Tchg
TCH 302: Introdctn to Special Education
UNV 101: First-Year Smnr Unvrsty Cmmnty
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- Council of Learning Disabilities
- Council for Exceptional Children/Division for Research
- Association for Behavior Analysis
- Council for Exceptional Children/Council for Children with Behavior Disorders
- International Association for Special Education
Public Service
- Student Advising