Seidenberg Associate Professor and recipient of numerous grants for his research of technologies in the medical field, Dr. Zhan Zhang, has just received a new grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Zhan Zhang
Faculty Bio
Zhan Zhang is an Associate Professor at the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems at 91Ƶ. Prior to his position at 91Ƶ, he completed his Ph.D. in Information Science in the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. His work is supported by NSF, NIH, and AHRQ.
Awards and Honors
- National Institute of Health, 2024, R15
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 2024, R21/R33
- 91Ƶ, 2023, Kenan Award of Teaching Excellence
- National Science Foundation, 2023, CAREER
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 2021, R21
- National Science Foundation (NSF), 2020, CRII
- 91Ƶ, 2019, Wilson Faculty Fellowship
- 91Ƶ, 2018, Scholarly Research
- 91Ƶ, 2017, Scholarly Research
PhD, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 2016
Information Science
MS, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 2011
Information Management
BS, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, 2009
Management Information System
Research and Creative Works
Research Interest
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Wearable Technology, Healthcare Informatics, and Clinical Decision Support System.
Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts
IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (IEEE ICHI 2024) Doctoral Consortium Travel Scholarship
Zhang, Z. 2024. National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal. Funded.
LabGenie: A Patient-Engagement Tool to Aid Older Adults' Understanding of Lab Test Results
Zhang, Z. April 2024 - March 2029. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Federal. Funded.
Designing Hands-Free Cognitive Aids for Fast-91Ƶd Medical Teams
Zhang, Z. May 2023 - April 2028. National Science Foundation (NSF), Federal. Funded.
Design and Develop a Decision Support System for Out-of-Hospital Treatment of Pediatric Patients
Zhang, Z. June 2024 - June 2027. National Institute of Health, Federal. Funded.
A Novel Approach for Supporting Care Coordination across Distributed Emergency Care Teams
Zhang, Z. September 2021 - September 2023. Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ), Federal. Funded.
Novel Approaches for Real-Time Data Capture in Fast-91Ƶd Medical Work
Zhang, Z. June 2020 - May 2022. National Science Foundation, Federal. Funded.
Courses Taught
Past Courses
CIT 231: Web Authoring & Digital Media
CIT 342: Systems Analysis and Design
CIT 342: Systems Design & User Exp
CIT 471: Information Tchnlgy Internship
CS 600: Indpndnt Study in Grad CS
CS 665: Product Development Project
CS 693: Thesis I
CS 694: Thesis II
CS 804: Independent Research
DCS 990: Dissertation for DPS in Cmptng
IS 600: Grad Independent Study in IS
IS 623: Info Sytems Design & Devlpmt
IS 638: Intro to User Exprnc Design
Publications and Presentations
A randomized, controlled pilot study to determine the effect of smart glass on the efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Kebapci, A., Ozkaynak, M., Bowler, F., Ponicsan, H., Bai, E. & Zhang, Z. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.
Evaluating Smart Glasses for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Ozkaynak, M., Kebapci, A., Ponicsan, H., Zhang, Z., Bai, E. & Bowler, F. (2024). , pages 19-24.
User-centered design of an Emergency Department telemedicine application for prehospital communication
Bai, E., Zhang, Z., Xu, N., Ozkaynak, M. & Adelgais, K.
Identifying interventions to improve diagnostic safety in Emergency Departments: Protocol for a participatory design study
Seo, W., Park, S., Zhang, Z., Singh, H., Pasupathy , K. & Mahajan, P. (2024). JMIR Research Protocols. Vol 13 (Issue 1) , pages e55357.
A case for "little English" in nurse notes from the Telehealth Intervention Program for Seniors: Implications for future design and research
Calambur, V., Jun, D., Schiaffino, M., Zhang, Z. & Huh-Yoo, J. (2024). , pages 1-16.
Annotation and information extraction of a consumer-friendly health website for enhancing laboratory test reporting in patient portals
He, Z., Tian, S., Erdengasileng, A., Hanna, K., Gong, Y., Zhang, Z., Luo, X. & Lustria, M. (2023). , pages 407.
Experiences and perceptions of distinct telehealth delivery models for remote patient monitoring among older adults in the community
Zhang, Z., Huh-Yoo, J., Joy, K., Angeles, M., Sachs, D., Migliaccio, J. & Schiaffino, M. (2023). , pages 794.
Information seeking and sensemaking in emergency medical service through simulation video review
Zhang, Z., Joy, K., Bhadani, A., Joshi, T., Adelgais, K. & Ozkaynak, M. (2023). , pages 804.
Examining workflow for simulated pediatric emergency medical services care
Ozkaynak, M., Zhang, Z., Dolen, C. & Adelgais, K. (2023). International Journal of Paramedicine.
Toward alert triage: Scalable qualitative coding framework for analyzing alert notes from the telehealth intervention program for seniors (TIPS)
Nguyen, P., Schiaffino, M., Zhang, Z., Choi, H. & Huh-Yoo, J. (2023). JAMIA open. Vol 6 (Issue 3) , pages ooad061.
Responsible AI in healthcare: Opportunities, challenges, and best practices
Zhang, R., Zhang, Z., Wang, D. & Liu, Z. (2023). Frontiers in Computer Science.
Human-centered design and evaluation of AI-empowered clinical decision support systems: A systematic review
Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Cao, W., Zhou, X., Zhang, P., Liu, J., Fan, X. & Tian, F. (2023). Frontiers in Computer Science. Vol 5 , pages 1187299.
Social contextualization of datasets for mental health AI: a review of gender-linked sociotechnical misalignments
Chen, X., Genc, Y. & Zhang, Z. (2023).
Smart glasses for supporting distributed care work: Systematic review
Zhang, Z., Bai, E., Joy, K., Ghelaa, P., Adelgais, K. & Ozkaynak, M. (2023). Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Medical Informatics. Vol 11 , pages e44161.
Continued use of contact-tracing apps in the United States and the United Kingdom: Insights from a comparative study through the lens of the health belief model
Zhang, Z. & Vaghefi, I. (2022). Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Formative Research. Vol 6 (Issue 12) , pages e40302.
Designing and implementing smart glass technology for emergency medical services: A sociotechnical perspective
Zhang, Z., Ramiya Ramesh Babu, A., Adelgais, K. & Ozkaynak, M. (2022). Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) Open. Vol 5 (Issue 4) , pages ooac113.
Design and evaluation challenges of conversational agents in healthcare and well-being: Selective review study
Kocaballi, A., Sezgin, ., Clark, ., Carrol, J. & Zhang, Z. (2022). Journal of Medical Internet Research. Vol 24 (Issue 11) , pages e38525.
Applications and user perceptions of smart glasses in emergency medical services: Semistructured interview study
Zhang, Z., Joy, K., Harris, R., Ozkaynak, M., Adelgais, K. & Munjal, K. (2022). Journal of Medical Internet Research. Vol 9(1) (Issue e30883)
Hands-Free Electronic Documentation in Emergency Care Work through Smart Glasses
Zhang, Z., Xiao, L., Harris, R., George, S. & Finkelstein, J. (2022).
Older adults’ perceptions of community-based telehealth wellness programs: A qualitative study
Zhang, Z., Henley, T. J., Schiaffino, M., Wiese, J., Sachs, D. & Migliaccio, J. (2021). Journal of Informatics for Health and Social Care.
User-centered system design for communicating clinical laboratory test results: Design and evaluation study
Zhang, Z., Kmoth, L., Xiao, L. & He, Z. (2021). Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors. Vol 8(4) (Issue e26017)
Data work and decision making in emergency medical services: A distributed cognition perspective
Zhang, Z., Joy, K., Upadhyayula, P., Ozkaynak, M., Harris, R. & Adelgais, K. (2021). Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. Vol 5 (Issue CSCW2) , pages 32.
Predictors of retention for community-based telehealth programs: A study of the telehealth intervention program for seniors (TIPS)
Schiaffino, M., Zhang, Z., Sachs, D., Migliaccio, J. & Huh-Yoo, J. (2021).
User needs and challenges in information sharing between pre-hospital and hospital emergency care providers
Zhang, Z., Sarcevic, A., Joy, K., Ozkaynak, M. & Adelgais, K. (2021).
Characteristics and challenges of clinical documentation in self-organized fast-paced medical work
Zhang, Z., Joy, K., Harris, R. & Park, S. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. Vol 6 (Issue CSCW2)
CASS: Towards building a social support chatbot for online health community
Wang, L., Wang, D., Tian, F., Peng, Z., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Yu, M., Ma, X. & Wang, H. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
Effect of AI explanations on human perceptions of patient-facing AI-powered healthcare systems.
Zhang, Z., Genc, Y., Wang, D., Ahsen, M. & Fan, X. (2021). Journal of Medical Systems. Vol 45(6) , pages 1-10.
“Brilliant AI Doctor” in rural China: Tensions and challenges in AI-powered CDSS Deployment
Wang, D., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Zhu, H., Gao, Y., Fan, X. & Tian, F. (2021).
Patients’ perceptions of using artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology to comprehend radiology imaging data
Zhang, Z., Citardi, D., Wang, D., Genc, Y., Shan, J. & Fan, X. (2021). Health Informatics Journal.
Pregnancy-related information seeking in online health communities: A qualitative study.
Zhang, Z., Lu, Y., Min, K., Luo, X. & He, Z. (2021).
Utilization of self-diagnosis health chatbots in real-world settings: Case study
Fan, X., Chao, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Li, X. & Tian, F. (2021). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Patient challenges and needs in comprehending lab test results: Mixed-methods study
Zhang, Z., Citardi, D., Xing, A., Luo, X., Lu, Y. & He, Z. (2020). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Attention mechanism with BERT for content annotation and categorization of pregnancy-related questions on a community Q&A site
Luo, X., Ding, H., Tang, M., Gandhi, P., Zhang, Z. & He, Z.
Lay individuals’ perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI)-empowered healthcare systems
Zhang, Z., Genc, Y., Xing, A., Wang, D., Fan, X. & Citardi, D. (2020).
Mobile applications for promoting visual perceptual skills: A systematic review
Lee, S., Zhang, Z. & Rodriguez, A. (2018).
Professional Contributions and Service
Professional Memberships
- American Medical Informatics Association
- Association for Computing Machinery
Department Service
- M.S. in Human Centered Design [Program Director]
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