Doctor of Professional Studies, Executive Doctoral Program (DPS)

Get ahead without sacrificing your current paycheck. Since 1972, our innovative doctoral program has enabled accomplished executives who seek the advanced knowledge, skills, and perspectives of doctoral education to further their skill set without interrupting their careers.

Two men in suits talking.


New York


57 Credits + 12 for Dissertation
3-5 Years, Full-Time



Start Date

Fall, Spring, Summer

F1 Visa


STEM Designated Program


Why Earn Your DPS at 91ÊÓƵ? We’ll Launch You to the Top

The Lubin School of Business at 91ÊÓƵ is the best place for you to earn a doctorate in business. Founded in 1972, this original doctoral program for executives combines outstanding faculty, accomplished students, prominent graduates, rigorous curriculum, innovative pedagogy, a stimulating environment, flexible scheduling, a convenient location, and AACSB accreditation.

Students in the program are leaders who seek a comprehensive understanding of business and its environment. Overall, doctoral degree candidates maintain full-time employment while pursuing their education—they are professionals who desire more powerful tools to analyze complex problems and executives who are considering a transition to consulting or academic careers. The educational climate of this doctoral program enriches your learning by forming and energizing cohorts of candidates who complete most of their courses together.

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The DPS curriculum consists of 57 credits of advanced graduate coursework beyond the MBA, 12 credits of which apply to the dissertation. There are three distinct areas of study: Finance, Management, and Marketing. All coursework, except the dissertation, should be completed in the first three years of the program.

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What Exactly is an Executive Doctor of Professional Studies Program?

Our doctoral program uniquely fulfills the educational needs of active business professionals by:

Balancing breadth and depth. The program includes four foundation courses to examine emerging concepts in finance and economics, management, marketing, and international business and five concentration courses to develop your expertise in a selected discipline.

Integrating research and problem solving. Through four research courses, this program enhances your capacity to attack exigent business problems in bold new ways by employing systematic analytical methods and research techniques.

Merging theory and practice. The doctoral program emphasizes established and emerging theory that has proven potential for identifying, structuring, and solving business problems. You collaborate with seasoned professionals and accomplished faculty to advance business knowledge and improve practice.

Blending classroom and online learning. By incorporating the advantages of both collocated contemporaneous instruction and asynchronous distributed learning, this program delivers an effective and efficient doctoral education. Seminars continue your learning beyond the classroom.


A DPS is designed for executives to extend their accomplished business careers or transition into an academic career. As a 91ÊÓƵ student, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with our robust career services team to develop a plan that best fits your goals.

Student Quote

This is a program that can help you achieve your goals in the workplace or in academia. The professors are terrific. They have tremendous backgrounds—PhDs from leading universities—but more than that, because they're active in the New York business community, they understand the working world, and because they're in this program, they work with professionals, and they know how to get the best out of you.

—Stephen Bear '12, Career Coach, Stephen Bear Consulting LLC

International Career Success Program

The is a badged internship and career success program exclusive to 91ÊÓƵ. Year after year, this one-of-a-kind program empowers international students to achieve results in obtaining internships, jobs, and salary outcomes. Domestic students, we have an equivalent program for you called ASPIRE.

Where 91ÊÓƵ Graduates are Employed

  • African Market Institute
  • AllianzBristol-Myers Squibb
  • Clinton Housing Development
  • Consolidated Edison
  • Exxon-Mobil
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • Fordham University
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Hachette Filipacchi
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • Hofstra University
  • HBO
  • IBM
  • Madison Square Garden
  • MasterCard International
  • Madison Biotech
  • Merrill Lynch
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Pfizer
  • PwC
  • Purdue Pharma
  • Scholastic
  • St Agnes Hospital
  • Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Time Warner
  • Union Bank of Switzerland

Featured Faculty

Admission and Financial Aid

You're ready for a new level of success—whether it's advancing in your current field or launching a new career. 91ÊÓƵ is with you every step of the way, providing a world-class education and the skills your industry will be looking for far into the future.

  • The doctoral program seeks applicants who have significant career achievement, potential, superior academic performance, and promise. Qualified applicants must have at least ten years of professional experience and a master's degree from an accredited institution.

    • Qualified applicants must have at least 10 years of professional experience, and an MBA or similar master’s degree from an accredited institution.
    • Begin the (Part A). Upon submission, applicants will receive Part B to complete offline.
    • Submit the Affirmation Form along with a copy of your resume and Part B of the application for admission.
    • The Recommendation Form is an MS Word template with macros. Complete the applicant section using Microsoft Word with macros enabled and save it as a .DOTM file. Email the form to each of your four recommenders. Recommenders must complete the form and email it directly to dps.business@pace.edu. (Refer to the application instructions for guidance on selecting recommenders.)
    • Transcript Request is a PDF document. Complete and deliver this request form, together with the appropriate fee, to each post-secondary institution of higher learning that you attended. Institutions should send transcripts directly to the doctoral office, not return them to you. Access the Transcript Request Form (PDF).
    • International Transcript Request is a PDF document. All transcripts from educational institutions outside the United States must be evaluated (and translated, if necessary) by an agency approved by the doctoral program. This document contains a list of approved agencies. Access the International Transcript document (PDF).
    • GMAT/TOEFL test score.
  • Per credit: $1,510 | Total cost of program: $104,190
    *Tuition based on current year and subject to change.

  • June 1

  • Make an appointment to .

Top 2%

Did You Know?

Lubin has been awarded dual accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International, an elite distinction shared by fewer than 2% of business schools in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To accelerate the program, you can register for more than one advanced elective in some semesters and can accelerate work on your dissertation. However, the Executive Friday schedule limits an accelerated schedule to a minimum of three years.

  • Since an MBA, or similar master’s degree, is required for admission to the DPS program, credits earned for a master’s degree do not transfer. However, applicants who have earned advanced graduate credits that were not considered part of a prior degree or certificate may request up to six transfer credits.

  • You must petition in advance to be excused from an Executive Friday. The doctoral office, in consultation with other doctoral faculty, will decide if an excuse is warranted; otherwise you must withdraw from the program. Usually, work-schedule conflicts are not an acceptable excuse. Attendance is important because missing an Executive Friday is normally equivalent to missing 20% of the formal class time with the faculty.

  • In unusual circumstances, you can take a leave of absence from the program. However, a leave may delay completion of the program and does not extend the five-year completion time limit.

  • All doctoral candidates complete a two-semester, six-credit, independent-study publishing tutorial sequence under the supervision of a Lubin faculty member. For these tutorials, candidates develop expertise and conduct research on a topic of their choice.

  • The comprehensive examination consists of a written component followed in 2-3 weeks by an oral component. A committee of two examiners evaluate both components to determine whether a candidate has passed. Usually at least one examiner would be a faculty member who taught a concentration seminar. During the concentration seminars, faculty explain to candidates the breadth and depth of knowledge and skill they are expected to demonstrate during the examination.

  • A dissertation defense is a formal meeting of the dissertation committee with the candidate for the purpose of approving the completed research. A dissertation proposal approval meeting is a formal meeting of the dissertation committee with the candidate for the purpose of approving the design of the research to be completed as part of the dissertation. The individual committee members receive the document two weeks before the meeting and review it. At the beginning of the meeting, the candidate presents a summary of the document and discusses it with the committee. A dissertation proposal is the portion of the dissertation that can be written prior to beginning the field work. It is normally the first three chapters of the dissertation. The committee includes a supervisor and two other full-time faculty members of the Lubin School and two people who are not members of the 91ÊÓƵ faculty.

  • The program does not have a specific minimum grade point average requirement for admission. Prior grades are one of many factors considered in admission decisions.

Contact Us

Admission Contact

Office of Graduate Admission 
Phone: (800) 874-7223 
Email: graduateadmission@pace.edu

Departmental Contact

Margaret Hanson
Email: mhanson@pace.edu