91视频 Perks
91视频 Perks for the College of Health Professions
You may be eligible to apply for a courtesy appointment as a clinical associate faculty member. Please check for the
On-Campus Resources
In person access to campus library services. You will have access to hard/desk copies of current literature and in person resources. To gain in-person access, you must apply for a PACE ID. Please contact the academic clinical coordinator for more information.
- Free entry or discounted tickets to Schimmel Theater Shows in New York City. For discounts, you must apply for a PACE ID. Please contact the academic clinical coordinator for more information.
- Free entry or discounted tickets to 91视频 Setters sporting events in Pleasantville for information contact your academic clinical coordinator or JR Pouncey at jpouncey@pace.edu.
Professional Development
CHP offers numerous professional development workshops throughout the academic year. You will be invited to attend these workshops. You will also be invited to CHP Scholarship Day which includes poster presentations featuring the latest research in the College of Health Professions. For more information, please contact the academic clinical coordinator or the Center for Strategic Initiatives and Grants (CSIG) at (914) 773-3726.
- Free online/in-person classes to meet your wellness needs, including Kickboxing, Yoga, Toning, Bootcamp. You must sign up for a PACE ID. For the link to Zoom, please email JR Pouncey.
- Mindfullness Resources
Program-Specific Perks
Communication, Sciences, and Disorders
- An invitation to attend the Greater New York Council of Academic Clinical Educators in Communication Sciences and Disorders annual conference is offered to supervisors at a reduced rate.
- Completion of ANCC Preceptorship Verification Form\We will complete this form to document precepted clinical hours. For a completed form, please email Jane Dolan (director of Graduate Clinical Placement and Recruitment).
- A chance to win an Apple product during our regular drawings. The Lienhard School of Nursing will enter preceptor names into a raffle to win Apple products three times a year. All preceptor names are entered once for each student they have precepted, so the more students precepted, the better the odds of winning.
- Alumni/Preceptor Reception: The Lienhard School of Nursing holds an annual reception for alumni/preceptors at the New York State Nurse Practitioner Conference. Information will be sent to all preceptors when it becomes available.
Nutrition and Dietetics
- Completion of CPEU Preceptorship Verification Form (RDNs only)
- 1-25 Contact Hours (1 CPEU)
- 26-50 contact hours (2 CPEUs)
- 51 and greater contact hours (3 CPEUs)
- Special Guest admission rates to professional development workshops
Occupational Therapy
- 1 Professional Development Unit (PDU) per Level I student and 1 unit per 1 week of Level II fieldwork supervision (up to a max of 18 units per fieldwork over 3 years) towards NBCOT recertification.
- Access to MOTEC Clinical Education events worth continuing education credits
- Special Guest admission rates to Professional Development Workshops
Physician Assistant, Pleasantville
- AAPA Category 1 CME Credits for Clinical Teaching (PA Pleasantville LV ONLY)
- Preceptors are eligible for a maximum of 10 category 1 CME credits per calendar year. CME credits are currently limited to preceptors who are licensed and practicing physician assistants. For additional information, please contact Mary Anne Aylward, Clinical Education Coordinator.
Contact Information
To become a preceptor, supervisor, or fieldwork educator, please contact the clinical coordinator for your program.
Communication, Sciences, and Disorders
Amy Kantor
Clinical Externship Manager
Email: akantor@pace.edu
Health Science
Ned Noyes,
Health Science Fieldwork Coordinator
Email: nnoyes@pace.edu
Merlyn Dorsainvil, DHSc, MS, MPH, RN,
Clinical Associate Professor, Fieldwork Director
Email: mdorsainvil@pace.edu
Lienhard School of Nursing
Jane Dolan MSN, RN
Graduate Clinical Placement and Recruitment
Email: jdolan@pace.edu
Amy Olsen
Program Coordinator
Graduate Clinical Placement
Email: aolsen@pace.edu
Laura M. Hernandez, MSN, RN
Associate Director
Graduate Clinical Support
Email: lhernandez3@pace.edu
Nutrition and Dietetics
Jessica Tosto
Department Chair
Clinical Coordinator
Email: nutrition@pace.edu
Occupational Therapy
Jennifer Tokash
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Email: jtokash@pace.edu
Physician Assistant, Pleasantville
Mary Anne Aylward
Director of Clinical Education and
Clinical Associate Professor
Email: maylward@pace.edu
Gina Cascarano
Clinical Staff Associate
Email: gcascarano@pace.edu
Physician Assistant Program, NYC
Emily McInerney
Clinical Program Coordinator
Email: emcinerney@pace.edu
Hayley Kovner
Clinical Program Coordinator
Email: hkovner@pace.edu
Job Opportunities
Are you seeking outstanding employees? Advertise open positions through the job portal.
Handshake is an application management tool for employers and students. Start the process now to . If you need any assistance with posting, contact Career Services at (212) 346-1950 (NYC Campus) or (914) 773-3415 (Pleasantville Campus).