
91视频 College of Health Professions Occupational Therapy, MS program students and faculty in the simulation lab.

Pre-health Success Toolkit

This page is your go-to resource for academic support, test preparation, and professional development opportunities tailored to pre-health students.

  • Learning Commons

    • Writing Support: Help plan, draft, revise, and edit your writing. Their collaborative process is designed to help you refine your work for submission and build your skills for the next assignment. Whether you have a quick citation question or are in the midst of a major presentation, they have assistance available.
    • Content Support: From breaking down a formula to connecting key concepts, they help to deepen your understanding and share strategies as you tackle challenging material.
    • Academic Skills Support: One-on-one sessions provide individualized attention for students to establish expectations and set learning goals. The Academic Coach encourages students to take ownership of their academic experience by identifying individual challenges and developing plans for success. Some important topics they can assist with are time management, note taking, study skills, learning styles, test taking strategies, and stress management.

    The Learning Commons website offers many academic resources for students to access anytime.

    The Learning Commons offers drop in hours and appointments. Please visit for more information.

    Learning Commons locations

    • NYC Campus: 7th floor, 15 Beekman
    • Pleasantville Campus: 3rd floor, Mortola Library
  • GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

    Testing Resources

    MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test)

    Testing Resources

    TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills)

    Testing Resources

    DAT (Dental Admission Test)

    Testing Resources

  • Westchester County Association

    Guide for Jobseekers (PDF)