Innovative Learning Experiences
Crimes, Coffee, and Consequences Podcast
This podcast, hosted by Professor Cathryn Lavery, PhD, delves into topics such as criminal behavior, high-profile cases, and justice reform from various perspectives. Students actively contribute to the podcast, gaining hands-on experience and applying their learning in real-world contexts.

Inside-Out Program
During the spring semester, students can enroll in CRJ 242 – Crime and Public Policy, writing enhancement requirement course, where they'll join incarcerated men and women at the Westchester Jail to discuss the causes of crime and examine criminal justice policy. Free transportation is provided from the Pleasantville campus to and from the jail and the Metro-North train station. Interested students can join the waitlist by emailing Professor Kimberly Collica-Cox, PhD.

Parenting, Prison, and Pups
Parenting, Prison, and Pups (PPP) is a one-of-a-kind, evidence-based initiative designed to support incarcerated parents in rebuilding and strengthening their relationships with their children. Students enrolled in CRJ 251 - Introduction to Corrections (spring semester with incarcerated fathers) and CRJ 331 – Strategies in Corrections Administration (fall semester with incarcerated mothers) meet a civic engagement requirement by completing 20 service hours outside of our classroom as teaching assistants for PPP. Interested students can join the waitlist by emailing Professor Kimberly Collica-Cox, PhD.

Puppies on the Block
An extension of the award-winning Parenting, Prison and Pups program, Puppies on the Block pairs rescue puppies with incarcerated women and men at the Westchester County Department of Correction. Participants care for and train puppies provided by Paws Crossed Animal Rescue, fostering them for 2–4 weeks before adoption. The program, available to students in CRJ 331 or CRJ 251, also includes research on its impact on self-esteem, stress, and coping skills. Interested students can join the waitlist by emailing Professor Kimberly Collica-Cox, PhD.

Ready to take your skills further? Students who’ve completed all three jail-based courses can apply for exclusive internships at the Westchester County Department of Correction.