About Eportfolio

ePortfolio is an online collection of your work designed for an audience. It enables you to enrich your learning experiences, prepare you for your field of work, and sharpen your technological skills.
You can add files to your portfolio that may be shared with others--your peers, professors, friends, family, and potential employers. Additionally, your ePortfolio is a work in progress that you can add to and extend throughout your college career.
Updated ePortfolio Privacy Policy and New Features
All ePortfolio Users
What is happening:
Recently, 91视频 added a new Privacy Policy on the ePortfolio website. All ePortfolio users will be prompted to read and consent to the Privacy Policy, in order to continue using ePortfolio. Otherwise, their accounts will be temporarily suspended. If your account was suspended and you need it reactivated, please contact Academic Technology (see contact info below) or place a Help Desk ticket at under Information Technology > Academic Technology > ePortfolio > Help. If you have any questions or concerns about the policy, please email webcontent@pace.edu.
New ePortfolio Features!
The recent ePortfolio update introduced some new features, including a new navigation bar with consolidated page edit screens, the ability to rotate images, a modernized calendar widget, and faster performance for certain tasks.
Questions? If you need ePortfolio assistance, please contact the Office of Academic Technology at (212) 346-1661 or via email at acadtech@pace.edu
For a comprehensive overview of the version 22.04 system changes, please visit The Mahara User Manual:
Questions? Contact The Office Of Academic Technology
Phone: (212) 346-1661
Email: acadtech@pace.edu
ePortfolio upgrades and scheduled maintenance periods will be posted here. There are currently no scheduled interruptions.
If you have any questions regarding updates or maintenance, please contact the Office of Academic Technologies via email at acadtech@pace.edu or by phone at Pleasantville: (914) 773-3664 / New York City: (212)-346-1661.
Adding/Editing Content
Create a new blank page in your ePortfolio.
Change the look and design of a page using rows and columns.
Insert a hyperlink into a text box.
Add an image inside of a text box.
Upload a file to your pages.
Upload an image into "My Files" to use on your pages.
Embed your resume into ePortfolio.
Wordle is a word cloud generator which creates word collages from text that you provide (PC Users).
Wordle is a word cloud generator which creates word collages from text that you provide (Mac Users).
Automatically add links to content from your favorite sites and news sources.
Track your academic and career goals in ePortfolio.
Tagxedo turns your text into a visually stunning word cloud.
Best practices on how to use and cite sources in your ePortfolio.
How to upload material to your English Writing Program Assessment Portfolio page.
You can embed a Storify project into your ePortfolio.
You can embed a Wordpress project into your ePortfolio.
You can create an image slideshow in your ePortfolio.
Benefits Of Eportfolio
- Showcases your accomplishments
- Tracks academic progress
- Provides evidence of meeting course and program learning outcomes
- Enables reflection on learning
- Helps you to make connections among your learning experiences
- Demonstrates skills developed
- Allows feedback on work from others
- Provides a secure environment to store important course work
- Provides a tool for creating and storing resumes to send to potential employers
- Facilitates social networking
- Connects your educational goals with work and personal experiences
- Provides the opportunity to creatively represent yourself and your education
Faculty Resources
Seven best practices for using ePortfolio.
Eleven Professors share their ePortfolio assignments with you.
Copy and paste this statement into your syllabus.
Guide for setting up the Tenure and Promotion (TAP) eDossier Template page and files.
Share your Tenure and Promotion (TAP) pages with specific users.
Step by step guide to fulfill the Pleasantville English Department鈥檚 Digital Remix requirement
You can use this template to create an annual review folder in your ePortfolio.
Getting Started
General advice on building an effective ePortfolio.
How to add content to a page.
How to edit content on a page.
A collection is a set of linked pages that have the same access permissions.
Ensure the right people can see your pages.
Save time by copying content and settings from preexisting pages.
The Files Repository is an area where you can manage documents, images, and videos to include on any of your pages.
Leave comments and read feedback from other users.
Get notified when a particular user updates a page.
Start a new group of ePortfolio users. Manage group information and who can join.
Share certain pages with one of your groups.
How to join an ePortfolio group.
Setup a new journal on one of your pages.
Start adding content to your journal.
UNV-101 Tutorials
How to copy the 91视频 Path page into your ePortfolio if it's not already there.
How to add content to your 91视频 Path page.
Ensure the right people have access to your 91视频 Path page.
Mahara User Group (MUG)

The Mahara User Group (MUG) is a community of users from across the globe who collaborate to share ideas, solve challenges, and foster innovations related to the Mahara open-source ePortfolio platform. After holding its inaugural meeting on August 9, 2011, MUG established an open channel of communication on its to continue conversations and coordinate future endeavors. MUG currently has members from various countries, including, Germany, Canada and from states both in and out of the continental United States. Find us on
Mahara Newsletter
is published quarterly. The first issue appeared on April 1, 2011. Everybody is welcome to contribute to the newsletter by sending articles or links to longer blog posts / articles already published online.
The newsletter is by the community for the community to let Mahara users know how others are using the system, what cool features are available, what new developments are in the works, where feedback is required, what Mahara events are coming up.
Eportfolio FAQ
What is ePortfolio?
ePortfolio is an online collection of your work designed for an audience. It enables you to enrich your learning experiences, prepare you for your field of work, and sharpen your technological skills.
You will add files to your portfolio that may be shared with others--your peers, professors, friends, family, and potential employers. Additionally, your ePortfolio will be a work in progress as you will be able to add to it and extend it throughout your college career.
What should I put in my ePortfolio?
You should upload your best, revised works from your courses, along with reflections on your learning process, to show growth in knowledge and skills. You can also upload a resume and artifacts that show your participation in extra and co-curricular activities.
How can I set one up?
All 91视频 students have ePortfolio accounts created automatically. and log in with your usual 91视频 username and password.
How long will I have access to my ePortfolio at 91视频?
For as long as you like! Your ePortfolio account is tied to your 91视频 email account, which means that you will keep your ePortfolio as long as you keep your email.
Who can view my ePortfolio?
The default setting is private, but with a few clicks, you can grant access to individuals, the 91视频 community, or the public. You can alter these settings for different parts of your ePortfolio at any time. You can share your ePortfolio with your faculty, advisors, family, friends and potential employers. For instructions on how to do this, view the tutorial titled How to Share Pages and Collections (PDF).
What is feedback?
Each ePortfolio page has a section for other users to leave feedback or comments. Users must be logged into ePortfolio in order to place feedback on another user鈥檚 page. A user can also not allow comments or feedback to be placed on any page by adjusting the settings within sharing.
How can my ePortfolio help me outside of my coursework?
Your ePortfolio can function like an educational passport, showing where you have been and what you have learned. You can use this digital passport to apply for internships, scholarships, graduate schools and jobs.
If I share my ePortfolio page with the public, and then change it to private, will my information still be found by search engines like Google?
While changing your settings back to private will make your page unavailable when it is clicked, some information may still be displayed by search engines when it picks up parts of your ePortfolio that were once public. There are some workarounds to try to get this information removed:
Contact the search engine to request that the information be removed.
Remove the personal content from page, then make it public again so the search engine can re-index it. After it is re-indexed without the sensitive information, make it private again and re-add the sensitive information.
Before making your page(s) accessible to the public ePortfolio, keep in mind that it is difficult to remove information once the search engine crawlers have found them. It is best not to post sensitive information such as your address or U number. Consider omitting any contact information you do not want public on the resume you post to ePortfolio.
How do I add content, create a group, add friends, create a blog, and more?
See our tutorials above for step-by-step instructions to answer all your "How To" questions! If you would like a tutorial on a topic that has not yet been covered, please email us at acadtech@pace.edu
What are Tags and how are they used?
Tags allow you to include a user-defined classification scheme for your ePortfolio Pages. You can add individual words or phrases. Multiple tags can be added and must be separated by a comma. For example, if your artefact was a Biology assignment, you might add the following tags:
Biology, Assignment, Semester 1
Usage Tip: When you next go to upload an Artefact, you can click on "Show my tags" to view a list of all tags you have previously used. This can save time if you frequently need to upload Artefacts with the same tags. Simply click on any relevant existing tags, and they will be added to your new Artefact.
Over time your tags list will develop into a comprehensive list of keywords for your Artefacts and will aid the search process.
What does it mean to add a page to my watchlist?
The link to add a page to your watchlist is under the feedback section at the bottom of a user's ePortfolio. (Click "Add page to watchlist"). If a page is on your watchlist you receive a notification when the author changes the page.
What are ePortfolio Groups?
Groups are ePortfolio users that are related in some way. You can see the groups you own or are a member of, as well as groups you have been invited to or have asked to join by clicking the green "Groups" tab at the top of the page. When in a group, you can share your views with the other members, and join in with group activities like forums.
What if I run out of storage space?
In your files section under the 鈥淐ontent鈥 tab, you might notice a section on the right hand side of the page that says quota. This should tell you how much storage you have used and how much you have left. If you are low on storage space, you can add more by emailing us at acadtech@pace.edu.
What are ePortfolio Journals?
ePortfolio allows the user to create one or more journals under the 鈥淐ontent鈥 tab and place them on any page within your ePortfolio. The user can add as many entries to their journals as they need and can do this directly from the edit mode of whatever page that journal has been placed on. For more information on how to create journals or make journal entries, see our journal section under our ePortfolio tutorial page.
Can I create more pages in my ePortfolio?
Yes, you are not restricted to the default pages provided initially. Feel free to add as many pages to your ePortfolio as necessary. Additionally, you can rename or delete any of the default pages.
What is a Collection?
A collection is a set of pages that are linked to one another, share the same access permissions and are separate from your primary set of ePortfolio pages. Collections are essentially like having more than one ePortfolio and users are able to create as many collections as they need. Collections can be created and accessed under the Portfolio tab.
Where can I edit my personal information?
Underneath 鈥淧rofile鈥 in the 鈥淐ontent鈥 tab you can enter contact, general, and personal information at your discretion.
I suddenly cannot edit my pages. When I try to edit them, they appear blank. What happened and how can it be fixed?
There may be a bad character on the page that is causing this. Carefully check the file name of each file you may have published to that page and make sure there are no characters in it other than letters, numbers and a dash. Also check and make sure each of your files have an extension, like .doc or .docx or .ppt. To check your file names, click the Content tab, then click Files. Here you can click the gray pencil next to each file and adjust the file names, removing any bad characters. For more assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk at (914) 773-3333. If you still need help, email us at acadtech@pace.edu.
How can I ensure I don't lose my work in ePortfolio?
Be sure to type text in Word documents before adding it to text boxes in ePortfolio. It is best practice to save this document.
Who do I contact if I need help with my ePortfolio?
For step-by-step instructions on general ePortfolio tasks, consult our tutorials above.
If you are in need of further assistance, contact our offices at acadtech@pace.edu
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Help Desk: (914) 773-3333