
techy graphic of a face silhouette with data illustrations

2020 Bridge Fund Award winners

The Bridge Fund Award is designed to support faculty who submit competitive proposals to external granting agencies or foundations.

Awards are in the $3,000-$5,000 range.

Classroom Based Research Awards Winners

The Classroom Based Research Awards provide support to faculty for innovative ideas to incorporate original, authentic research projects into the curriculum.
Awards are $5,000 each.

2020 Book and Performance Completion Award Winners

The Book and Performance Completion Award is for creative projects that are being developed into publishable book manuscripts or performances.

Awards were for $5,000 each.

Covid-19 Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Award Winners

Covid-19 Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Award is intended to seed new research in an interdisciplinary manner. The program requires the research be collaborative to maximize novel and creative thinking about every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic.